Chapter 2

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Rosette 's POV.....

I was ignored for a month by my parents and even the staff. Everyone favored Emily and of course, they are angry that they have to deal with the outcast, the good for nothing, the rebel, the shame to our family name.

Well, my face has healed from its cartoon look after that beating Jason gave me. I'm still shook a bit about that. I mean, Jason never went so physical with me like that before. Hell, when I was getting bullied by the kids at school, he defended me and protected me.

Now he's on the same side as them and as much as my heart hates to admit it, this is definitely the end of me ever loving him. What he said to me was cruel, I'm only 17, I didn't think of these drastic consequences when I pulled a prank.

Emily had to have the wedding so extra, why couldn't we just take our normal cars to the church? Why did she need to floss a fucking limo? We are all wealthy, so what was the fucking need?

The knock on my door interrupts my thoughts and I quickly fix the plain black dress I'm wearing. The door opens and there stood my father's personal butler. He give me a quick look over and twists his face in disgust.

"I was ordered to tell you that your ride to the funeral is here. Your parents already left so there is no need to wait for them." He says quickly before leaving the room and I blink away the tears that threatens to slip out.

Of course they leave me alone to think about her on the ride to her funeral. Do they truly believe that it's all my fault? If I ever found out that they did blame me.... I'll be so heartbroken. I would probably..... I don't know.

I have my walk of shame to the car and of course, the driver who usually drives Emma is the one driving me to her funeral. Is this some sick fucking joke? I turn my head to look out the window to stare at nothing. I just need something to distract me, something to change the heavy feeling that sets itself on my chest.

"Hurry and get the fuck out." A deep voice orders and I blink at the realization that we have made it to our destination. I don't bother to give him a look or say a word. He probably thinks I'm at fault, just like Jason thinks I'm at fault.

I leave the car as fast as I could and I realized something is a bit off. It looks empty outside but I could her noises from inside. Did they start without me? I quickly make my way to the door and go to open it but it wouldn't budge. What the fuck?

I knock many times as hard as I could but it wouldn't open. I sigh in frustration because this is the only way in and no one can hear me. Why did they start so early? I was told we would have it around noon. This time, I raise my fist and bang as hard as I can and finally the doors are slightly opened by Cory.

"Shit." He said once he saw me and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. He looks a mixture of guilty and nervous and I think I know why. He opens his mouth to speak and I notice the sound is silent in there now.

"Why did the service start without me?" I ask and he closes his mouth and looks down at the ground in shame. Wow, I thought the treatment before was fucked up. This is some new type of hate for a person. This hate is soul crushing and I can feel myself die right in front of him.

"Why in the fuck are you here?!" Jason's voice booms through the body of Cory and my eyes widen at the audacity of that question. I have more of a right than he does to be here, she is my fucking sister.

"Because I'm her sister. What's your point? It's not like you're her husband you dickless fuck!" I snap and when I hear the crowd scream 'Stop!' and 'Not today Jason, please!', I knew he was about to whoop my ass. But I'm not bitch made, so I stand my ground.

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