Chapter 10

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Joey's POV...

The power that comes from Rosette's grandpa is unmatched. The way he talks, walks, smiles, laughs, and breathes is powerful. He asked me to sit next to him to discuss more of the role I am yet to play.

"My granddaughter is the most important thing to me. Though she is difficult, she is truly a good girl. She just happens to find trouble when others are watching." He whispers as he cuts into his waffle.

I'm so distracted by everything that's going on. I didn't even notice the stacked plate in front of me. I take a piece of bacon and stuff the entire thing in my mouth. Despite us having food earlier, I still feel hungry.

"That's enough whipped cream Rosette, can you be any more selfish?" Jason asks in annoyance and I didn't notice he was across from Jess. Jess sat at the edge of the table with her entire plate covered in whipped cream. I chuckle because I know her waffle is under there.

"There's plenty of cans! Stop worrying about what I do and worry about yourself." She snaps as she scoops a spoonful of whipped cream and stuffs it in her mouth. Jason cringes at her and shakes his head.

"May I have some chocolate drizzle?" She asked and Fred quickly came to her and drizzled some all over the plate. Jason eyes the plate and then looks back up at her with pure disgust. He is way too bothered by my unbothered best friend.

"I think it's cute. She ate this way when she was little. I remember Jason chastising her about the amount of sugar. Good to see you still care about her health." Cory teases as he shoves a fork full of eggs in his mouth.

"No, I care about my fucking appetite." Jason snaps and I stop to look at Rosette. She looks down at her plate, hiding her expression. However, I can see how slow she is chewing. He offended her. My blood boils at that and I quickly stand from my seat and point my finger at him.

"You better apologize to my best friend before I beat your ass into a pile of mush." I threaten and to my expectation, he gets up with balled fists and furious eyes. I'm not backing down, I refuse to have her go back to any insecurities I worked so hard to help her destroy.

"I'll fuck you up right here in front of everyone. Don't ever speak to me in any tone. I can say whatever I want to Rosette, if she's going to eat like a fucking pig, I will let her know that. Obesity is not a fucking flex, maybe you allow that shit but I don't." He hisses and I didn't have the time to repeat myself.

I start to walk around to fight this big ass fucker but a hand grabs my wrist. I look down at Rosette's grandpa and he shakes his head and points toward the seat. He wants me to sit down? Did he hear what Jason said? I hesitantly sit down but I make sure to glare at Jason and he returns the stare.

"No need to fight and create a bigger problem than it already is. Rosette is quick with her wit and she can defend herself against Jason. She's my granddaughter after all." He says but I did notice the glare he shot at Jason. The sound of a dry chuckle from Rosette grabs the attention of the entire table.

"No wonder Emily starved herself and on multiple occasions made herself vomit. She was trying to fit your fatphobic ideals." Rosette says as she picks up the orange juice to drink. Gasps from the table break the silence and the look on Jason's face makes me want to grab Rosette and put her behind me.

Rosette's POV...

I take large gulps of my orange juice to calm my nerves. His stare is intense and I hate that his eyes can make me nervous. There was no need to make comments about the way I eat or how much I eat.

He used to call me out about it when I was younger. However, he never told me I was a pig or anything like that. He told me it was unladylike to make a mess or to use too much of something when others may want some. I already made sure there was enough whipped cream.

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