Chapter 12

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Rosette's POV...

"Rose, let's get up," Joey whispers as he gently shakes me. I groan and try to nuzzle myself closer to the bed. He lets out a dramatic sigh before his fingers start to roam my back and then to my stomach.

"Ahhhhh, Joey, I'm gonna piss on myself!" I laugh as he tickles me. He laughs with me as I go to tickle him and soon we are wrestling to stop each other from tickling the other. It ends with Joey putting me in a headlock. I huff in defeat, now I have to get up.

"If I knew I would have been this tired, I would have told you to take it easy," I say as I stretch my arms and back. I yawn and soon Joey does the same. I go to my old closet and pick out a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top. I wasted no time putting the clothes on.

"It's lunchtime, I wonder if they cook lunch or if we have the option to go out and find some lunch?" He questions and I shrug my shoulders and make my way over to him. He sits at the edge of the bed, looking at me thoughtfully. He must be super hungry.

"Come, let's go find out!" I cheer as I grab his hand and force him up. We basically ran down the hall and stairs. When we made it to the kitchen, the smell of pizza and chicken hit my nose. My stomach growls, causing my eyes to widen. I guess I'm super hungry.

"I mean, of course, we're hungry... We just had a round that sent both of us to sleep. We worked up an appetite." He says and I look around to make sure no one heard that.

"Joey, be careful what you say. My grandpa would flip if he heard that." I whisper yell, his face turns red with wide eyes. I giggle and shake my head at how deep the shade of red is.

"I forgot your grandpa was around... Thank you for reminding me Rose, I would have been blood gravy." He says and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. Blood gravy? What does he mean by that?

"Lovely to see you, Ms. Rose, we have finished lunch," Fred says as he walks out from the old pantry. I smile politely as he leads us to the table, my eyes greedily looking over all of the food piled on the table.

"Big back energy," I say as I sit down at the end of the table. Joey sits next to me and we immediately start grabbing food and piling it on our plates. They really made fresh pizza and wings, and it seems they gave us a little pie. Different types of drinks are on the table as well.

"Dam, this drink is strong as fuck." Joey says as he takes a sip of a pink drink. He puts the glass to my lips and I take a sip and twist my face at the sour and strong taste of alcohol. Are they trying to get us fucked up before nightfall?

"This drink will have me butt-ass naked in the Jacuzzi," I say as I push the cup away. Joey bursts into laughter and his laugh alone made me laugh as well. Heavy footsteps from multiple people fill my ears and I roll my eyes.

"Overweight, Ill-mannered, disrespectful, and selfish. I think you just broke the record." Jason says as he takes a seat the furthest from me and I mentally thank the heavens for it. I pick up my cheese pizza and take a large bite, making sure to ignore Jason.

"Give me the word and I'll kick his ass," Joey whispers to me and I shake my head. No need to start a brawl, not while my grandpa is around to fuck up everyone in here. Joey huffs before dramatically snatching the meat from his wing with his teeth.

Cory sits to the right of Jason and Max sits across from me. Max starts piling his plate with wings and pepperoni pizza. Without trying to, I watch as Max stuffs a piece in his mouth and then he pulls out the bone. It was clean, no meat on it at all.

I feel the slut in me stir as the dirty thoughts spam their way into my head. He's professional, I also take notes of the piercings that litter his ears and then I noticed he had two on his bottom lip. Snake bites? Some shit like that.

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