Chapter 15

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Elian's POV...

Her words dug so deep into my chest that I physically felt pain. I stand up to leave the table to talk to her but when the image of her hateful eyes pops into my mind, a sharp sting hits my chest.

"Ahhh," I yell as I grab my chest and I hear multiple chairs scrape the floor. I look around as everyone aids in helping me sit back down. Jason hands me a cold cup of water and I try to lift it to my lips but my hands start to violently shake.

"Get me a fan! All of you move out of the way!" Fred's voice fills my ears and I wish I could ask my dear friend questions but open ears are around us.

"Is he having a heart attack?" Cory asks and my eyes widen at that. I didn't even think of that being a possibility. I refuse to die, I need to make this up to Rose. A cool breeze hits my face as my head flops to the side.

"Jason and Cory, help me carry him to a room. He needs to rest, and John, call the medic and tell him to come immediately." Fred orders.

Rosette's POV...

"They want me to marry the guy that hates me!" I yell for the hundredth time in the past two hours. Jason winces and I take that as a plea for me to shut up. We both sit at the bottom of the bed.

"Why did you even agree to it? I mean, you could have asked for some time to think about it. Hell, you could have been firm and stood your ground that you didn't want to marry Jason." Joey was looking at the ground now and my heart dropped at the disappointment laced in his tone.

To be honest, I'm more disappointed in myself. I took the bait with the threat of Joey as a threat of having to marry Jason. My grandpa didn't say that but I felt that was something that would happen. Nonetheless, I'm not going to blame Joey for my agreement on my misfortune.

I did feel a little ganged up on as well. For a man being forced to marry someone he hates, Jason sure didn't say anything. I expected him to yell, maybe even yell at my grandpa for even thinking of him as a husband for me.

"Do you think Jason knew we were gonna be forced to marry?" I ask Joey, completely avoiding his questions and concerns. He raises his head to look at me, a scowl visible but then it disappears.

"He had to have known. He was too calm and accepting. However, there is the possibility that he was in a state of shock. You tend to get hotheaded and start spewing shit without thinking. He might need time to calculate everything." Joey says as he leans back to lie down.

"I should just tell them I'm not doing it and they can shove that marriage up their ass." I huff as I also lie down next to him. He chuckles tiredly and hums in agreement.

"Just so you know, you being named after someone your grandpa loved, was not a good enough reason for your grandma to treat you like shit. If anything, she should have given your grandpa a piece of her mind." He whispers and I let his words reach the little girl in me.

She didn't deserve to feel like she would be nothing and amount to nothing. Words that were constantly thrown at her by her mom's parents and father's mother. The audacity of that woman to smack me when she was mad. She did that because she was too much of a coward to do it to the woman who claimed her husband's heart.

"Let's go to bed, we'll plan your defiance later," Joey says as he climbs fully into the bed. He goes under the covers but holds up the blanket to give me an opening to slide into. I nod my head and quickly snuggle next to him before he wraps the blanket around me.

"I'm not sure why you gave Max immunity from your wrath. I'm more than sure that asshole knows something." Joey says groggily and I roll my eyes at his stubbornness. I get it though, I wouldn't like a guy who put a gun to my back either.

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