Chapter 4

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Rosette's pov....

"Wake up birthday girl!" My eyes fly open and I groan at him. He's been keeping me up all week to prepare for my birthday and now that it's here, I'm too tired.

"No, come back to bed and let me sleep." I whine, I pull the covers over my head and snuggle into the warm blanket. However, Joey not cuddling with me makes it hard to sleep.

"No, we have lots of plans today. We can go out to eat for breakfast." He says and the mention of breakfast had me sit up quickly. I could go for a plate of waffles, sausage, bacon, eggs, and a shake. My mouth waters at the image and I quickly hop out of bed and run to the shower.

"Bestie, stop running before you eat wood again!" Joey warns and I roll my eyes at his bossiness. He's always keeping me in check with shit. I should give him a break before he ends up with a heart attack from all the stress I give him.

Jason's pov....

"I guess Mr. Daniels wants us to take care of some business here." Cory says and I nod my head. I feel so bad for John, he wanted to pass the business onto me once I married Emma. He's been swamped with deals, enemies, and his father isn't making it any better.

Our driver has gotten lost twice and I'm starting to get angry. I'm on the edge today and I'm sure it has a lot to do with the fact there was a mistake born on this day. She's somewhere living her life while she took the life of her sister and left all of us to deal with it on our own.

"I fucking hate that bitch." I mumble as I look out the window and I can feel the gaze of Cory and Max. I turn to them and Cory gives me an understanding look and Max gives me his usual look, blank and distant.

Max is a new edition to the team. He's been here for two years and he somehow climbed the ranks. I now view him as a close friend of mine, despite his silence and creepy gazes he gives off.

"Today's her birthday. She's probably on some island with a guy she met the day she left. She probably has a kid by now!" Cory yells in horror and I shoot him a glare before thinking of that as well.

I bet that selfish fuck is having the time of her life. She's living the life Emily and I should have. I bet she's smiling with her two kids on a private island, drinking wine. She probably has someone serving her breakfast as she looks out into the ocean.

"If I ever see her.... I'll beat her ass before her grandfather sees her. Kid or no kid, husband or no husband, I'll drag that bitch by her teeth if I have to." I spat.

Rosette's pov.....

I stuff my face with my breakfast and sip on some wine. I look out the window and enjoy the look of morning traffic. I have a $100 bet with Joey that someone is going to fight soon. I shove a large spoonful of potatoes in my mouth and I choke a little.

"Slow down." Joey sternly says as he snatches my spoon. I slowly chew on the food with little coughs trying to escape here and there. He shakes his head at me but lets out a chuckle.

"You make toddlers look tolerable." He teases and I give him a playful glare before flipping him off. He takes a bite into his breakfast sandwich and I turn my gaze back to the busy street.

"I was thinking we should wear those outfits we bought a couple of days ago. I mean, they are badass and they give us the flexibility to get raunchy." Joey suggests and I chuckle at his choice to word how we act when we're drunk.

I always admired how different he acted when he was drunk. He was so carefree and he didn't hold back who he was. When he's sober, he disregards the fact that he also likes men. He hates it when I bring up a guy being cute or suggesting we should take him home. He's just shy and he doesn't know how to approach them.

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