Chapter 3

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Jason's pov.....

~A month after Rosette ran away ~

I grip the steering wheel as I came close to the house of my late fiance. The flashes of blue and red lights made me think of all the negative things that could have happened.

Maybe Rosette finally managed to kill her parents off as well. Maybe she decided she no longer wanted to live. Maybe someone broke in and stole something and she failed playing hero. So many possibilities when it involves Rosette.

I park the car on the other side of the street and step out of the car. I immediately hear yelling and arguing amongst my mother and father in law. Well, they would have been if Emily was.... yeah, they're arguing.

"She took all of it! How could she be so reckless?!" Diane screams and of course, John tries to comfort his wife but can't seem to quite her down. I walk across the street to them as Diane continues to give the officers a mouth full.

"What's going on?" I ask and relief washes on Diane's face. She quickly waddles to me and falls into me with a face full of tears. I hold her and give her a little rub on her back.

"Rosette ran away and she didn't take anything but the savings meant for her and..... meant for her and Emily." John says calmly and Diane begans to sob at the mention of Emily.

"Would you like to press charges?" The female officer asks and it was like a switch had went off for Diane because she was no longer crying. She was full on screaming and then laughing.

"My daughter is 17 years fucking old. I'm not pressing charges. I already lost a daughter, I'm not losing this one. I want you to find her and drag her ass back home where she should be!" She yells at the officer with her perfectly manicured finger pointing at her

"Mam, I ask that you calm down, I am only trying to help." The officer reasons and Diane let's out an irritated scream before storming away and into the house.

"Sir, if I'm being honest.... the only thing we can truly do is wait for her to return. This is normal teen behavior and as you said, something traumatic has happened, she probably needed some time to think it over." She says calmly and John nods his head understandingly.

The officer gives us both a nod and in seconds they leave our sight. I watch John as he looks up at the darkening sky. He takes off his glasses and sighs, I can see he is stressed but he looks to be a little regretful. For what? I'm not sure.

"I tried my best to raise Rosette right. She just hates to follow instructions but boy was she a jokester in times of need." He chuckles and I know he is having a moment but I refuse to hear anything positive about Rosette.

"She can't leave us to dry after what happened. She needs to be home Jason..... I know you hate her, trust me, lots of people hate her right now." He says distantly and even though he is talking to me, his eyes never leave the sky.

"We can't lose another one. I need you to help get her home, by any means necessary. I don't care whose blood you have to spill to get her back." He says and I open my mouth to argue that I rather fucking die than help return her here but he turns to look at me and I finally see the eyes of a broken man.

"Emily wouldn't want this for her. She loved her sister more than anything. Jason, I ask you because you have been there since she was a baby. You protected her because you loved Emily.... I just need you to do it one last time." He says shakingly and finally, he breaks into tears as his body violently shakes with each sob.

I don't want to see Rosette ever again. But I refuse to let anyone perish for her childish actions, not again. And when I see her, I'll fucking kick her ass for stealing and ditching her parents during this time. She is selfish and unworthy of the love given to her. I can't believe I cared about her.

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