Chapter 91

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TW- Mentions of smut from the last chapter but no actual smut.

It was almost 11:30pm by the time I got home. The TJD boys had left, Tyra was fast asleep in her room and Demi was sat at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me. "What took you so long?" She asked as soon as I opened the front door. I sighed, closing the door and locking it before I turned to face her. "Something came up at the arena that I needed to deal with it before I left." I told her but I could tell she didn't believe me. "Something... or someone." She said as she looked up at me with a knowing look in her eyes. I sighed again, I knew I couldn't keep it from her. She could clearly smell him on me but I just couldn't bring myself to admit it.

My silence was enough of an answer for her though, "Who?" she asked me. "Who what?" I replied, "Don't play dumb Payton, I can smell someone elses scent all over you." she told me. "It was a one time thing okay, it didn't mean anything. It just happened and anyway, it's not like we are officially together ya know, why so interested?" I questioned, "You already know why P." she replied sadly before standing and heading upstairs.

I gave her a few minutes before I walked up the stairs to our bedroom. When I entered, I grabbed a pair of black cycle shorts, a sports bra and a towel prior to entering the bathroom; shutting the door behind me. I placed my clothes and towel down on the counter and turned on the shower, letting the water heat up as I stripped off my clothes and undid my hair.

Once the bathroom started filling with steam, I jumped into the shower; letting out a heavy sigh as the warm water ran over my body. I stuck my head under the showerhead as I braced my hands on the wall, looking down I notice large hand shaped bruises starting to form on my hips. As much as I loved it, it could never happen again. I knew that but something drew me to Brock tonight, I didn't what and that scared me a little.

I was completely lost in my own thoughts that I didn't hear the bathroom door open and close or Demi stepping into the shower behind me. It wasn't until she lightly ran her fingers over the faint bruise on my left hip that I snapped back to reality. "You don't have to tell me but there are only a few people who could've left handprints this big." She whispered, knowing that I could hear her clearly. As soon as she said that, I started to tear up but I don't know why.

It didn't take long for them to fall either and before I knew it, I was practically sobbing. Demi turned me round and hugged me but after a few moments, my knees buckled and she gently guided us to the floor of the shower. She rubbed soothing circles on my back and whispered comforting words in my ear until I started to calm down. "Talk to me P, what happened tonight?" She softly asks and tilting my head to look up at her, "I-I don't know." I stuttered.

Demi asked me to tell her the chain of events leading up to now so I did. I explained that after I was declared the winner of our match, I looked over at Brock to see him declining any help from Paul Heyman or medics so I walked over and offered my hand to help him up. He took it but when he stood, he stumbled so I helped him out of the ring and back to his locker room. I then went on to tell her how I went back to mine and told Athena she could leave if she wanted because I had to stay for a little while; that she did and I washed off my makeup and changed before packing up my things and heading back to Brock's locker room. I further expained that I fixed his nose and cleaned him up, "I say next to him and asked if he was okay, he said he was and asked why I cared. I told him, I never said I did but I know how hard I can hit. It went quiet until he told me I looked hot and I don't know why but I kissed him, it was like I wasn't in control if my actions anymore." I said looking down.

"It all happened so fast but so slow at the same time and before I knew it, I'm naked with his face between my legs. We ended up fucking and I said some things I would never say, I willingly called him Daddy and begged him. Literally begged him to do things to me." I tell her with tears running down my cheeks again, "But once we had finshed and I was dressed, it was like I was me again. I told him it would never happen again but he justed smirked at me and helped me to my car. Then I drove home." I finish.

Demi didn't say anything, she just let me cry into her shoulder. Eventually she helped me wash and helped me dry afterwards before dressing us. She guided me into bed and let me cuddle up to her with my head on her chest. I felt her place a kiss on the top of my head and say, "I love you P." quietly. I mumble an "I love you too." back before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

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