Prologue | 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮

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She understands her mood has been far from favorable, knew she was being a bit unbearable, but what else could she really do to prove that she wasn't going to let this just fly past her without some sort of apology. Was she expected to suck it up. Let all this blow behind her like trash on the side of the road? Did that really expect that from her after all she had been through? She was sure she did. They were happy for the newly engaged couple of La Push, so happy that they were going to take the next step in their relationship without a care in the world about the poor girl they took advantage of. She had trusted them, trusted them all just for them to turn around and hid something so horrible behind her back without thinking what it could do to her...and they just expected her to get over it.

"I honestly didn't think the two of you would do it!" She could hear the excitement in her mother's voice. The clapping of her hands as she congratulated the two traitors down in the living room with ease. She didn't think her mother had it in her to be happy for anyone else after her father had passed, the woman had seemed drained from all her energy within and her patience for her eldest child had thinned signify as time has passed without any signs of improvement. She wanted Leah to get over this little tantrum she was having so that Emily could have her 'sister back.' She wanted Leah to be there for her cousin, support her, because that's what family were supposed to do, support, but what about her? She was still very much furious about Emily dating her ex, falling in love with her ex, probably pretending to hate her ex just so she could have him. She was furious at them both for going behind her back in the first place, because getting married when two people have only known each other for less than half a year was crazy.

She was positive they had had something going on behind their back for ages if they were this quick to get together, and she couldn't believe how easily her mother had accepted them together despite never liking Sam in the first place. She wasn't supporting the person that needed her support and that led to her main reason for missing her father more than ever. He supported her, banned Emily from entering the house, and kept Sam far away from her along with keeping her mother under a tight leash when it came to reconciling with her cousin. He made sure she didn't feel bad about feeling the way she did, and he made sure to let her know there was someone out there who would love her far more than Sam did and could love. He was stern about it, clenched fists, and dark eyes as she spoke with such confidence and hope. He cared about her. Reminded her that they will be punished for it, karma was a very real thing after all.

"OH! Do you have the wedding date set? The Theme, the dress? Colors?" While her mother was being unnecessarily loud, she was grateful for the distraction though; her mother had been mopping around far too much despite her doing the same thing and she wished for something to take her mind off the death of her father. She knew her mother loved him very much, and his unfortunate demise was killing her from the inside as she numbly moved around the house with less energy than usual. She wanted her mother to be happy despite her probably not caring about hers.

"Sometime during the summer of course, maybe around August." Her and Sam had wanted their wedding in August, had made plans for it and everything with smiles and giggles. To think that he was probably using her to find the perfect stuff for his and Emily's wedding set a flame under her ass that just made her itch all over. She was furious, very furious, yet no one was taking her seriously. She was being 'over dramatic' a 'bitch' or the teeth clenching of them all 'bitter.' She wasn't bitter, she was hurt. She hated that word, hated how easily it flew out of the mouths of others when they noticed her reaction to Sam or Emily even being mentioned. Her friends, brother and mother even mentioned that it wasn't a 'good look' for her. She saw red every time and she would admit to letting her emotions get the best of her...her room was a testament of her failed attempt at control.

It looked like a horror scene within the confinements of these four walls since everything was barely hanging on. Her bed, desk, curtains, and even floor were either broken, ripped, or completely ruined beyond repair over her little tantrum...and while it did feel good, it still didn't fix the main issue. Emily was downstairs, in her home, chatting with her mother and brother, along with her ex as if she hadn't just ruined a good thing she had going on. She had remembered expressing just how much Sam meant to her when Emily was going on her little rant about how she should leave him for someone else. She basically opened her heart to someone that couldn't be trusted, and it honestly made her sick, still furious, but sick at the end of the day. The two of them used her and her mother let them get away with it.

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