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This is going to be a bit long but I'll write a quick short version for those that don't want to read all of that.

someone really thought they ran shit around here. A bit burnt out and updates are coming a lot slower than usual. I also will not tolerate hate ( unresonable hate) towards a specific group/person (mainly person. Y'all know exactly who)

Okay now for those who want more context -

As we all know I usually post on Saturdays or Fridays depending on the book. I try to stay consistent and even push out a update before the set day.

Recently updates have been coming a lot slower than I would like and it's usually because work, but this time around I'm starting college again after this long Christmas Break and jungling both this book and school work hasn't been easy. Lost my flow after so long of not balancing the two.

I've also experienced burnout. It's something rare I get when it comes to writing since I love it so much and find it relaxing but that's probably because I'm writing reports at the moment and thinking about writing anything else is mentally taxing.

Another thing. I don't mind people adding their input or their opinions on my books. I write because I love it, and all of you seem to love it also.

I've had request/ideas given and had eve taken those into consideration but what I won't take into consideration is spreading hate.

Majority of people in the Twilight community don't like Bella. I completely understand that, the girl is a bit stupid and selfish at times which makes her an unlikeable character. This goes mostly for my SUNFLOWER & DAFFODIL book that was Bella focused. They did have something to say about my Black Swan series but it was mainly the other two.

There's this thing called Character development. I refuse to write a character that's bad without a good enough reason. I did that with one book and regretted it for the crowd it brought to my A03 page was sickening (deleted the book over there. It's still up on Wattpad since people are behaving well with it but I might still delete it. It's a part of something I won't no part of and I deeply regret not caring enough to put actual effort in the characters I wrote.) I especially hate it when they want this specific character to be abused just because their 'bad/difficult to deal with.'

Hate Against women is already bad enough and this whole Incel thing that people throw around without knowing exactly what their talking about is too much and not needed.

I'm a firm believer of Show not Tell when it comes to writing. I won't add that 2014 B's when people would add likes or dislikes (people they fuck with, people they don't etc.) That sucks the fun out of getting to understand/know the character you made.

Visuals I always make sure to add pictures of either models/actors because it makes visualizing much easier for those who would rather see them than try and picture someone random themselves. That does not give you a reason to make fun of hate someone because of their looks. I will not tolerate that and you comment will be deleted along with you ending up Muted/blocked.

My entire purpose of making Sunflower and Daffodil was to give Bella what she should've gotten in Twilight. Edward is manipulative, controlling, a weirdo and downright creepy. He is, that isn't going to change. But Bella was more of a victim than anything else. A little selfish considering she treated Charlie pretty bad, but Charlie has his own flaws also.

I hate reading stories that constantly paint these same characters in the same light with no other reason than 'thats how it is.'

What made this character become this way? Upbringing, personal agenda, desperation, a mental illness (someone with a cousin with BPD it gets hard maintaining a relationship at times.) Or a outside force (mainly a partner that they want the approval/attention from.)

I recently had to drop a book that made Rosalie out to be a true Villain. Not a bad person a villain. Anybody with enough common sense knows that Rosalie would never condone Sexual assault in any form or way because her whole backstory about becoming a vampire was based off that alone.

I mind a bunch of stuff, it comes with those morally grey type of stories, but if you don't double down on people who call out your BS because you made this particular character who stands ten toes down against what you swear they would do.

It infuriates me. That person who thought they cooked, I want you to know that your muted/blocked and any of you other Ducks that wanna quack in the comments.

By all means write how you want, but you won't see it here. Rosalie, Leah, Esme, and even Alice will have some respect over here.

And one last thing.

Twilight is a fictional universe. Shits not real. I love that some of you are able to like the characters I write. Y'all Loved Aurora in 'Princesses Don't Cry'. And I'm happy because I wanted her to be loved, and y'all hated Leo. I loved that y'all didn't like Leo. Those are two characters that you should love/hate. I did a good job when it comes to getting y'all to root for a certain character and I loved that y'all liked Bella in Sunflower/Daffodil.

I love all of you. Your support is why I keep writing in the first place.

I love my silent and chatty readers also lmao🥰 seeing you guys comment on every little line is really funny and heartwarming no matter how silly/serious you was about it.

I hope to keep writing characters that you all could properly love/hate while also giving those characters a chance to redeem themselves or even explain their behavior (not justify. No type of abuse is justifiable.)

This is the end of my rant. Your free to add your own rants in the comments because this person really upset me. I take constructive criticism, but not disrespect even if their intent probably wasn't supposed to come off as that.

I will say that they said they loved my books they just wished I did a little more. I think they were frustrated because of 'Swan has Horns.'

That's not exactly Bella bashing book. It has some in it, but it's mostly focused on my own personal Characters a AU. Bella is pretty unlikeable in that book, but so is Jennifer and Emily...plus the entire Wolf Pack and Olympic Coven.

Bella is a bit difficult in that book, but please never suggest to me someone actually putting hands on the girl. A slap might be sufficient in some cases, but Charlie would never put his hands on a woman, on his own daughter no matter how difficult she's being. Bella probably broke that mans heart when she said what she said dealing James, but he still welcomed her back with open arms.

I will be rewriting Princesses Don't Cry', and I'll Kill You. Didn't finish either books completely which makes it easier to rewrite but I honestly could've done more with Aurora in her first book. I feel like I focused more on Bella and the Cullen's than Charlie and Aurora. The first book was supposed to be about them, Bella was mainly supposed to really come at the end to signal the next book.

I'll kill you was my first ever Twilight book that caught attraction. I wasn't serious, nor did I really care about the characters. That'll change I need to start writing short AUs like that again. It was relaxing unlike maintaining a series.


I'll still be working on Leah's book. I'm slowly coming out this brain fog so hopefully I'll be back to pushing out chapters like I was before.

Feel free to comment your thoughts, I'm not one of those authors who would get mad just because you pointed out a mistake, added a suggestion or even asked for a update. (As long as you ask nicely) getting those sweet comments about how much you lovey book and want a update does help with getting me eager to write because I run well off of praise lol. But there's a difference to demanding one.

I love all of my veteran followers and new ones. Hope you all continue to stick around despite being being a deadbeat at the moment 😭💀.

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