Twenty Eight | 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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Licking her lips Bella sat down at the table with the rest of the Cullens without Edward for the first time. The reason for his late arrival was because of a teacher who held him back and instead of waiting for him like she usually did she decided this would be the best time to finally talk to the vampires she's been trying to get to know since she came to know of their existence.

It had been awkward at first, even more so since Jasper had shifted to sit on the opposite side of the table away from her when she sat down next to him. It had Alice looking up at her weirdly before she returned to her normal sunshine and rainbow smile. What was she even supposed to talk to them about, or what questions she should avoid for Edward had mentioned how everyone didn't have that happy reason for turning into what they all deemed was a monster in some form or way.

"Hey." Her tongue felt heavy, and her head seemed to have fogged up and trapped any coherent thought she might could find. Rosalie, the hardest to please out of them all seemed annoyed she had even spoken to begin with, and nervousness flooded her system and pushing Jasper farther and farther the more it spread within her body. She couldn't have him running away from her this time around though, while she couldn't control the scent of her blood, she could control her emotions if she tried hard enough.

"H-How's everyone day been going?" She only stuttered a little and for that she patted herself on the back.

"Great! Where's Edward? You usually don't come sit with us until Edward arrives." Alice was the first to speak, the friendliest out of the four 'siblings.' Her words though had a teasing edge to them as she mentioned her codependency on Edward that Emmett merely nudged her for. Apparently it seems to be hidden joke within the family that she hadn't caught onto yet and still haven't seem to have.

"He's talking to a teacher."

"Eddy's failing class?" Emmett snorted, "first time for everything I guess, but that doesn't explain why your here without him. Wanted to experience some fun for once without him hovering over you?" He was the second friendliest but Rosalie kept him from being too friendly, something Bella often whined about to Edward when it came to getting along with his siblings.

How was she supposed to make friends with them when all of them seemed to revolve around the other. Jasper tolerated her because of Alice and Emmett stopped himself from getting to friendly because of Rosalie. It was weird and a made everything a bit awkward whenever she tried to insert herself into conversations at time to feel a part of their group. She knew Emmett had the most to say about her, and Alice never got to close in fear of driving her mate crazy from the scent of her blood.

"I-I don't know about that..."

"You don't seem to know anything that goes on with your boyfriend at times." Rosalie scoffed, "I'm sure it's about the missing work from before. Biology when he left because of you." If Bella cared for a second, she would've taken notice that he didn't take any work with him when he ran away like a little bitch.

"You think so?" Bella jerked her head towards Rosalie, no matter how nasty her attitude was at the moment the vampire was talking to her instead of ignoring her.

"YoU tHiNk So?" Rosalie though, only mocked her, rolling her eyes resulting in a defeated sigh from Bella. This chick, this bitch, was more often than not harder to please than her own boyfriend...she could see Leah and her getting along very much and while that did annoy her she couldn't ignore the destruction the two of them could cause together with their mouths alone.

"Chill babe." Emmett the mediator she adores, calms his mate, rubbing her back and kissing her forehead. The public affection was also a big pet peeve of hers. Edward had only really held her hand, drove her around, maybe and she really means maybe kissed her on the forehead real quick to show off. She wished he did a little more, people often talked about his lack of affection to her compared to his siblings who couldn't get enough of each other.

"Besides it's not Bella's fault Edward ran away." Alice teased, plus that was months ago, if the teacher didn't say something about it to him than there was a chance that they weren't going to say anything to him now.

"Except it was. We all were there when he begged Esme to let him go to Alaska because he couldn't stand being so close to Bella, his 'mate.'" Rosalie didn't fail to put that last word into quotations, staring back into Bella's eyes with hate. It made Bella flinch just a bit since this time around she truly did feel like an outsider trying to fit into a place she didn't belong. Usually with Edward around she would feel some sort of comfort as he held her hand and defended her from his sister, but without him she felt very unsafe. It reminded her that she was indeed still human and was surrounded by people who could kill her and everyone else in the room in secs. She wondered if it was best to return to her human friends until Edward return...if Edward returned in time for lunch.

"Don't be so hard on her Rose." Alice her only other savior from Edward, pouted at her sister, "she's fragile and Edward just didn't want to kill her." She picked at the salad in front of her pushing the greens around before finally pushing the plate towards Bella. The girl barely touched her own food and whether it was because of a lack of hunger or Rosalie, was not any of their problems but hers.

"Could've fooled me. I didn't have the desire to kill Emmett when I turned him."

"And neither does Kurtis have the desire to kill Leah." Jasper shrugged, "honestly makes me wonder if Bella is really his mate." The table soon turned to look at him, black eyes filling with something unrecognizable. Even Bella herself was quiet for once, shocked at what Jasper even dared to utter since Edward was firm that Bella was his and it was meant to be.

"Do you really think that about me? Do you all think what we and Edward have isn't real?" She didn't have to sit here and ask this question, Edward himself had said it they were going to be together forever, yet his own siblings seemed to think that was never going to happen.

"Bella, Sweetie." Alice, hid behind her hands, leaning into Jasper who merely held her close. The two of them were the picture-perfect couple alongside Rosalie and Emmett who just couldn't seem to keep their hands off of each other.

"I'm going to say this as nice as possible since I consider you a friend, but no, we don't...the two of you are really weird and it's different from what we know and have seen for ourselves." Out of her entire family she was the only one excited for Edward when Isabella appeared in her visions, the sight of the girl next to Edward and her dear brother smiling so happy that she completely ignored all the other visions that came after it.

She like the rest of her family wanted Edward to be happy, but he was more stressed than happy. He didn't worship Bella like she had hoped, like they all had...instead their love was a bit backwards to the point of mild irritation. It was different, a different they didn't like.

"Weird how?" Dejected Bella furrowed her brows, "what's so strange about how we show our love to each other? What about Kurtis and Leah I know nothing about them so it's unfair to compare us." She sounded confused, but the rejection she was facing really did hurt, they didn't like her, the people she wanted to like her the most didn't and that hurt.

"Leah and Kurtis have a relationship we thought you would have with Edward." Alice sighed, "it's just a bit disappointing when things don't turn out like how you wished is all, no need to be upset Bells." Very, Even Esme seemed a little dejected, she wasn't that warm to her like when she first met her, and Bella was just now realizing that the woman would rather fold baby clothes than acknowledge her existence.

At that point she should've gotten up and left when no one defended her. There was no need to be surrounded by people that didn't want you around, but she didn't. She stayed, clenching her before and stabbing her salad to stuff into her mouth. Leah this, Leah that, what Edward and Bella had was different and different was fine in her book. Sure, she didn't suck his face in the parking lot while they waited for classes to start or hid away outside during lunch to sit on his lap, but that was because Edward wasn't the type to want that. She could hope he'll kiss her on the lips at least once but that was a firm boundary that Edward didn't want to cross and like a good mate she'll abide.

They knew nothing about their relationship, yet they acted like they did.



This was for you Precious, Smairey

Guys, too updates are slow, my apologies.

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