Fifteen | 𝕱𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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Like the previous night she lay underneath Kurtis absorbing all the much-needed heat as he slept beside her. She had pondered over their conversation from earlier, tried coming up with more excuses on why she was still stuck over this despite it happening so long ago, and how to overcome the emotions she was feeling. Take care not to have Kurtis's face buried in her neck, he seems to have the power to sniff her emotions, and while she enjoyed how attentive he was, she also didn't want him waking up for something as trivial as useless thoughts.

She was apologized to in many forms by Sam and Emily after the whole thing blew up. They had tried making it up to her, but she refused to accept them no matter how grand or apologetic they may seem. She wonders, why is she so upset about this? She didn't necessarily care about either of them anymore, she just didn't want to see them. Didn't want to be their friend, didn't want anything to do with them, and she was being forced to decide whether she liked it or not when she lived with her mother. Maybe she just needed to get away from her mother's forceful hand? Time is supposed to heal all wounds, and she hadn't any time to heal anything. Maybe leaving was the best choice she ever made.

For now, at least.

"Yeah." Staring at Kurtis, he seemed positive despite living out in the woods with only a baby that didn't understand that her life would be more complicated than the average person's. Probably worse considering they had no running water, or even electricity, but they'll get to that when they do. Kurtis was a hardworking man, btu everything was much more complicated than it had to be. She didn't mind working a little harder to live, but things like worrying about the winter or even food like they were peasants in the enlightenment era was time consuming. They didn't have time for the petty things in life since they were constantly on the move. All day was spent handling their meal situation for the night and she knew if they had a few modern things that time could be lessened by hours or even days at this point.

But time heals all wounds.

Time. It's something that she seemed to take for granted. She had the time to try and heal but she just didn't. She wasted years, wasted time with her father while he was alive mourning over a relationship that was bound to fail in the beginning since everything was so one-sided in the beginning.

She wanted to be much more like Kurtis. She didn't know how he handled his pain, but it was probably the time he spent putting his focus on other things besides just that one thing. He took her in and gave her as much as he could within his power, and she was just some chick who took his child and caused him stress. She was nothing special to him, wasn't even the 'werewolf' as he was, yet he was so kind to her. He listened, he explained, and he even tried to adapt. His agreeing to visit the Cullens was a substantial risk he was taking, and she was thankful he was willing to at least try.

"Goodnight Kurtis." She should start trying also. After all this mess, maybe she could start in the garden.


Leah once again found herself on his back, Kelly wrapped up in her bassinet that dangled from Kurtis's clenched teeth. She at first admitted holding the baby, but she didn't want to push him farther than he was comfortable. He was already tensely trotting through the forest towards their destination, he wasn't incredibly happy when they awoke for breakfast this morning, and while watching him shift was something peculiar, she also couldn't enjoy it for his snarl was permanently installed on his face the second she mentioned that they would need to be leaving sooner rather than later. She couldn't appreciate the beauty of her furry lover unlike his daughter.

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