Twelve | 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖑𝖛𝖊

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The next morning came slowly, the sun hitting her directly in the face as she rolled over into the cold empty space Kurtis left behind. She could tell he'd been gone for a while because his body temperature was abnormally high for a human man. There was a time when she noticed how warm Sam had become overnight but he was never that warm. He didn't make her toss blankets, or furs in their case, off onto the edge of the bed and just use him instead. And he didn't give into her wishes to roll on top of her to replace the blankets she threw off either like Kurtis did.

...honestly, that had flustered her that night. She was obviously cold, and Kurtis held her as close as she allowed, and it was damn near impossible to get anymore closer. He also seemed to purr, or growl, whatever he was doing it was relaxing to the point it felt like a vibrating bed. Her body melted underneath his and he held her close too while still managing to make sure she had enough space to escape if she desired. She wouldn't admit it, but she couldn't help but soak that up like a sponge. She didn't think she would like to be hovered on like that, but she did. Slept good even to the point she didn't even notice him leaving. She was though bundled up tight in the furs like some newborn baby, the moss that rested against her neck cooling her a bit from the dampness that it seemed to carry...she holds it doesn't mold, or worse.

And while she wanted to stay in bed, she knew that she had promised Kurtis she would be capable of making breakfast for the three of them...she needed to make something baby friendly, and she needed to make a lot to satisfy a man like Kurtis who she was positive would have a huge appetite. So, she climbed out the bed, leaving the furs as they were under the false pretense that she would fix it up nice when she had free time...she wasn't. But she did take a quick peek into Kelly's room to see the baby sleeping soundly in her crib, hopefully she'll sleep a little longer until she gets done with at least a little of what she had planned for the morning, which by the way could barely be called that for the sun was just beginning to filter through the windows. Sunrise had long pass but to get light in this dense forest took a bit for them.

She was stuck with making the quick decision to either bathe first or look through the kitchen for something quick to fix up for everyone.

The kitchen obviously

If it could even be called that. He had a stove, a wood burning one, and no fridge. He also didn't have any type of electricity, the house was littered with candles in strategic places that would allow great lightening when needed, and she wondered what exactly he made them out of. They smelt like nothing, no fragrance, no nothing. Was there a purpose for the scentless candles or did he just not have anything he could add fragrance too...she'll ask later. Her first order of business was fixing up this garden so that she could see what she was working with. It looked big, but maybe it wasn't really that big and she wondered about all the things she could plant. Kurtis claimed to be good at scavenging for things, but she made a guess that they would need to head to town and buy some seeds to get started, maybe even some soil and pots. A greenhouse even for when the winter comes around so that they could have other things and maybe even livestock.

Chickens for eggs, cows for milk, and maybe even a few pigs.

Mostly she wanted the cow and chickens...she had a vision for all this space, and it was going to require a lot of work on both their ends for she didn't know if Kurtis would be fine with going into town...if she would be find going back home for the animals. Either way she didn't ponder on it for too long. She checked one last time on Kelly and rushed out the door to pick through weeds and whatever else might be left in that garden. She wanted to be able to clear everything out for the day so she could make a list of the things she would need to grow for the upcoming season, she'll just buy the other stuff they need.

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