Nine | 𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊

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"You guys weren't kidding when you said this beast was out for blood..." Sam stared at the mess in the forest, concerning rising as he saw the damages the vehicle and Esme suffered through. He and the pack merely wanted to ask if they knew about some creature that was possibility lurking the woods, but considering the constant whining of Esme and the missing limb from Jasper he suspected they weren't. He didn't know what they wanted him to do as he just stood there looking in shock, but he hoped they didn't think he was going to help them.

"Seems like they don't like leeches either." Paul snorted, muttering under his breath in hopes that Esme didn't hear. He really did feel for the woman because she was the only one besides Carlisle that he tolerated. What he was concerned about was Leah who was still missing.

"Not funny..." Seth moaned, he was terrified, the sweat that was running down his back was obvious enough of his stress, but he was genuinely scared for his sister, "I wonder if their looking for Leah." He bit his nails, feeling every bit regretful for the missed time he had with his sister. The girl might've been difficult to deal with lately, but he didn't want her dead, she was his sister, and he was starting to fear that he was going to lose two family members in one year.

"Yeah, we do need to search for Leah also." Jared agreed, the girl had yet to return, and the day was almost over, and they had to worry about the beast that was running around thrashing vampires and hopefully not Shifters alike. Whether they were upset with her or not she needed to be safety back at home with her family and friends.

"Leah?" Carlisle smiled, all tight lipped and everything as he refrained from mentioning that they did in fact have some sort of contact with the girl, "someone from your pack is missing?"

"Not exactly from out pack, but someone from our family that doesn't know anything about our world." Jared shrugged, "She's probably in town pouting somewhere." At least they hoped so, none of them had begun looking for her considering they were busy trying to decipher what exactly they were going to do with Sue's house that would soon be crumbling apart from the damage it sustained.

"I'm guessing you'll want us to mind our own business?" Rosalie scoffed, though she was very willing to give out any hints if they asked for it.

"Of course." Paul spoke as if that was a known fact, "we'll handle our business and you'll handle yours, besides two of you are far too injured to do anything anyways." Well mostly one, at this point Jasper was beginning to be able to reattach his missing limb but it was taking far too long so Carlisle merely put it in a cast so that he wouldn't have to constantly hold it.

Esme though was an entirely different story; she might be forever disabled for her arm was melted far from what Jasper had suffered through. The spit still lingered on her arm and any constant with it had Carlisle hissing in pain as it singes through his fingertips like acid. Whatever this creature was it was detrimental to the vampire population for it brought feelings of pain they once thought was impossible. He also didn't know if he could completely be upset since the pitiful thing did potentially lose a child and at this moment, they were the aggressors no matter what side of the coin they tried to flip. A baby was missing, and if they had any sort of common sense left, they would realize that the baby Leah found in the woods might've been theirs...God help Leah.

"Then we'll stay out of your way." Carlisle nodded, eyeing his family that merely remained tight lipped over the fact they could end the search much quicker if the mutts just asked for help once. They understood the mistrust they had in them, but they had to realize that they needed to trust them to a certain extent if they ever wanted to get anything done. After that, the Cullens tried to make quick work with cleaning up the mess in the woods while Carlisle handled his wife with care. Feelings mixed as he tried his best to comfort her as much as physically possible without hurting himself in the process.

"Good." Everyone splits their separate ways, the shifters gaining permission to search the Cullen's territory for the missing girl, while the Cullens stayed back to attend to their own matters. Both parties seemed to be on edge, but that was suspected of a creature was running rampage in the woods with blood on their mind for a baby that they may or may have not helped with kidnapping.

"I really do hope a god is watching over that girl." Emmett cringed, he saw the damage up close twice from looking at both Jasper and Esme, and while they may be vampires, he didn't know what would happen to the human and how her body might react if it was anything like what the two of them went through.

"Agreed." Alice tried to see into the future, tried looking into the fate of her family and the girl, but she came up empty. Frustrated, she merely lifted a hunk of metal to hide away from any wandering humans. She could save a lot of lives if she could just see, but she couldn't, and her heart felt heavy from that thought alone.


Leah was feeling peaceful for once and wondered if she needed this after such an emotionally exhausting day. Did caring for someone other than herself ease her heavy heart, or was it just the joy of being out of that stuffy house and away from those heartless people that was making her feel this way? So light, and free like she finally was released from prison, or like some bird that was just learning to fly? She didn't care, but she giddily rested against the bark of the tree without a care in the world. The beat of her heart lulled the child on her chest into a restful nap as she laid away just seeing the sky above them. Maybe she should move out, leave La Push. Move out of Washington like Rebecca did, do something other than live here because this felt great, and she was merely in another town. She wondered, is this what Rebecca and Racheal were feeling? When they leave home is search of something more? Something beyond La Push? Did they? Because she once thought of them as crazy for wanting to leave the one place where family and friends were pretty much the fact she really was starting to see the flaw in their little community that did more damage than they did help.

The community did nothing for her when she got her heart broken and it's still doing nothing for her, still nothing but make it worse. She now was capable of fully understanding the complaints Rebecca listed off when she was packing her suitcase, the promises of never returning Racheal made as she put in application after application for college, and the promises from both that she too would understand exactly where they were coming from. Stuffy, controlling, secretive, the list could go on and those three were merely the tip of the iceberg.

She sighed, the sleeping child had a gentle smile on her face as she collected her phone from her back- oh, she didn't have it. She had nothing, she forgot for a second that she truly left the house with nothing but the clothes on her back and a bottle of pricy wine she sure her mother was whining about now...she's a mess, or at least was before she the Cullen's kindly allowed for her to wash up at their house along with feeding her. She was grateful, and once again she couldn't help but feel a bit peeved that the people on the reservation were making up such horrid lies about them. Either way they didn't seem to care, or at least she hoped they didn't care because she didn't think she had the nerve to apologize for believing such lies in the first place.

"I guess we're going to have to ask someone to use their phone." She swore she had her phone, there were times when she would forget about it, but she didn't think it would be today when she's stuck out in the town by herself with no way home. Esme's number was still in her shirt pocket though, but it was untimely useless. "Or we could walk..." Selfishly she wanted to keep the child, walk off in some unknown direction and with nothing but the clothes on their backs in search of something different. Obviously, she wasn't appreciated where she currently lived, and she'll be damned to subject herself to such abuse now that she found some semblance of self-worth. But walking would be tiring, especially with this bassinet that seemed to weigh a ton from the baby inside and the material it was woven with. Cute, but exhausting.

Another sigh, something she's been doing since she's been sitting here as she laid back against the tree. It was still warm, enough so that she didn't have to worry about catching a cold, sitting here a little longer couldn't hurt, and maybe after soaking in this peacefulness, she would return home for the final time. Her old truck being more than enough to get out of this mess. 



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