Twenty Six | 𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖎𝖝

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"You've been quite quiet today." For the first time in forever Esme entered the bedroom of Leah and Kurtis, looking around in stubbor at the mess of blankets everywhere that Leah had confidently placed. In her hands she held a platter with three plates on it, a simple balanced meal with a bottle for the baby.

"Have i? Thought I was acting pretty normal like always." Greatfully she took the food, aggressively eating the pasta on the plate while Esme watched.

"Haven't seen Kurtis yet I assume? And blankets on the floor, getting tired?" She didn't touch them though, Leah already seemed adverse to letting her in the room so to avoid getting kicked out sooner than later she kept her hands still. Kelly's bassinet remained untouched though, a bit of the furs being removed and changed to the silks Alice probably bought since the temperature in the house was steadily rising as winter approached. The discarded furs hung on the balcony, obviously drying from the good old fashion scrubbing Leah had given it to occupy herself while Kelly slept.

"Nope." The room had a light scent of the man, like he hadn't came back since he first arrived three days ago. "I'm guessing you know why?"

"Working overnight. The kids got school and since we couldn't finish everything over the weekend, he'd decided to finish up to get you two out by the end of the week." Which was coming close as it was Wednesday now.

"Figured...have my family called about me lately?" She had been thinking about what Bella had said about her family holding a funeral for her. As stupid as that sounded since she know for a fact that they were probably just mocking her at this point, she still wondered if she should give them a heads up. Let them know that they shouldn't bother contacting her since she was washing her hands clean from them for a while.

"Besides Sam's wishes to enter our territory to look for your body, no." To save the peace from them running into Kurtis, Carlisle had quickly declined. Selfishly it wasn't because they had Leah all along or they wanted to avoid them causing conflict with Kurtis, it was all because of them being refused to kill Victoria when the vampire was obviously a problem to them it petty revenge, but Carlisle and Esme both agreed that it was better to let them stew.

"Have you told them I'm alive? Bella did..."

"If we told them that, they'll know for a fact that we're probably housing you or know about you and refused to hand you over." Esme shrugged, "and they probably didn't care much for what Isabella had to say, the girl is unnaturally nosy to things that don't concern her." She had just successfully conviced the girl to go home after arkwardly folding blankets and clothes with her. She loved her son she truly did, but the human was really annoying at times, she wasn't used to having anyone even her coven members in her face for long amount of times since everyone was 'mature' enough to do whatever they wanted without causing trouble...except for Isabella.

"That's true," Glancing over at Kelly, Leah began picking at her food, pushing it around as she thought of something to say to Esme. The woman herself was just looking around, the neatness surrounded by chaos. The mass of blankets that while were thrown everywhere was neatly done as if they were thrown there on purpose with a intent behind them. It looked homey and in a sort of way reminded her of the bedroom she and Alice had renovated back at the cabin, it looked warm, overly warm and obvious that someone-something of a predatory nature lived there. She still had a nerve to pick it all up though, the overly clean nature in her excited to have something to do.

"Say, from a mother's viewpoint would you want your estranged daughter to contact you?" Esme had to think, she was a mother at one point, a mother in a different time period were phones didn't exist. Knowing the little things about Leah's situation she could see herself from both point of views, the mother and the daughter...but would she want to contact or be contacted was the difficult question.

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