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It took her about a good two hours just to finish doing her basic hygiene. She didn't want to accept that she did feel much better after that long hot shower, but it helped her mind to feel all squeaky clean. She smelt nice, much nicer than she had these past few weeks, and she was feeling good with her hair all washed and brushed out for the first time in a while. It made her feel happy, like she could rule the world as the cool air from the hallway brushed against her sweat-free skin. She had stuck to her words when she mentioned not shaving, jeans and a pair of boots covering all inches of her legs, while she threw on the cleanest tank top she could find. The majority of her clothes didn't fit good anymore, her weight dropping a good ten to twenty pounds over the months she neglected her health, so she was stuck with one of her older clothing for when she was preteen.

Weight lost was good, but this amount of weight loss for a woman her age wasn't the slightest bit healthy. If she truly still felt better after all of this, she was positive she would start working on a diet to regain what she had lost. After all she and Emily used to joke around about having a strict diet together for a nice summer body, but after everything that had happened, she was positive that it was never going to happen, not even if one party begged for it.

"Now don't you feel good." Her mother grinned, all teeth as she took in the cleaner appearance of her eldest child. "Good enough to get a new boyfriend, right?" A nudge, and whether she ignored the frown on Leah's face or not, she continued to drag her towards her own bedroom that she hadn't entered since her father passed.

"I wouldn't say that, not feeling up for a relationship right now." She followed though, her mood being a lot better than what it previously was, which meant she had much more patience for her mother's shenanigans than she previously would before that much needed shower.

"Nonsense Leah." Sue signed, "you're getting older, marriage should be your top priority especially since you're nothing like your brother." She paid no mind to the confusion on Leah's face at her words, digging around in her nightstand for something unknown to the woman behind her. "Be a dear and take a seat over by the vanity." Even when she had sat down with reluctance, Sue continued to dig around in different drawers for the past five minutes. Papers, medicine bottles, and even perfume dropped out onto the bed as she dug around for a specific item.

"Mom, what are you looking for?" She sat anxiously, playing with her fingers as she stared back at herself within the mirror. She really did look much different from a few months ago. Her full cheeks were gone, her eyes a bit sunken in, and her full lips seem damn near nonexistent. She was losing herself in more ways than one and she didn't think she liked it very much.

"A necklace of course! You know the family heirloom." Something she had hidden away ever since she married her husband since he had given her his own family heirloom. It was a tradition to give such things to the daughters when they become of age. "You know that necklace I wore in my engagement photo." The one she thought was pretty cute and simple. The reasons as to why her mother was giving it to her now was unknown. She wasn't getting engaged and she had already had her eighteen birthday a few years back. There should be no reason she was getting it now unless her mother had something planned for her that she might not end up liking.

"I see." She resigned to her fate to see what that was all about, sitting quiet in the chair as her mother mumbled to herself about the precious chain. She can't remember what she did with it, she swore she placed it somewhere because of a special day coming up soon, but where was it? She didn't know.

"I might have to give it to you later though." She signed, "but I didn't lead you in here for nothing! I plan on doing your makeup, bringing a bit of life into your face because of the pictures we're going to take downstairs." She did however slam a drawer shut and present foundation and blush within her hands. "Ready to come alive?"

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