Chapter 92

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I made it my mission to avoid Brock Lesner at all costs. Something about the night I had with him just didn't feel right. I refused to talk about it as well. But as much as I wanted to completely forget about, a couple of months later I started waking up in the middle of the night to throw up. There was no obvious reason for me to be throwing up and nothing about my body felt different so I ignored it.

The past couple of months have been great for me career wise. Sheamus and I are the most popular mixed tag team and tonight we had a match against B-Fab and Top Dolla; the current Mixed Tag Team Champions. When we were first approached about facing them, I made it absolutely clear that I didn't want it to be a championship match and Sheamus agreed with me. As far as we know, it is just a regular match but with WWE management you never know.

Tyra was staying with Athena as it is now the school holidays so I gave Athena the night off. My hair and makeup were simple enough for me to handle. I was currently sat at my vanity in my locker room finishing up with my hair...

Once I was satisfied, I moved onto my makeup then changed into my gear for the night

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Once I was satisfied, I moved onto my makeup then changed into my gear for the night...

Once I was satisfied, I moved onto my makeup then changed into my gear for the night

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Sheamus arrived as I was lacing up my boots, "You ready Toni?" he asked. I made sure my boots were tight before nodding, "Yup, sure am." I said as I stood. "Good because I was called for our 5 minute warning." He says so I grabbed my leather trench coat and put it on, "Lets do this." I smirked and we made our way to gorilla. I stretched as we waited for Hit Row to make their entrance, rolling every joint in my body before standing. That's when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I took what seemed like a casual breath to figure out who was staring at me but the scent I picked up made my whole body stiffen.

It was none other then Brock fucking Lesner.

I acted like nothing was wrong but the sick feeling that I've been wake up with made itself known. The lights in the arena were dimmed and our music was played so we stepped out onto the stage. When our lyrical cue played, Sheamus and I were illuminated by spotlights. We made our way down to the ring and hyped up the crowd. The announcer introduced the match as we separated into our corners, "Sky, are you okay? You seem a little off." Sheamus asked quietly so only I could hear, "Yeah, don't worry." I replied with a small smile.

Since walking out, the sick feeling dissipated but I still felt a little uneasy. Top Dolla was chosen to go first so I stepped out onto the apron to allow Sheamus to start the match but not before giving him a quick kiss. The crowd roared at my actions as the ref signalled for the bell and it was rung.

I shut out everything other then the movements in the ring. I couldn't afford to loose focus. Sheamus managed to get the upperhand but Top Dolla was quick to counter. "Come on Sheamus! You've got this!" I yelled and started slamming a foot down on the apron. The arena was soon filled with claps, stomps and chants for Sheamus and I couldn't help but smile.

The tables turned and Top Dolla was made to tap out. Sheamus tagged me in and I jumped up onto the top turnbuckle. As B-Fab stormed across the ring, I jumped forward and hit her with a flying dropkick; twisting my body to land on my hands before flipping to my feet. I let her recover but gave Sheamus a smirk when she charged at me again and sent her back down to the mat with a Brogue Kick to the chest. Rolling her up, I swiftly went for the cover but she kicked out at 2.

She tried to crawl over to her corner to tag out but I dragged her back and stood her up. After receiving some elbow shots to the face, I spin her around and choke slammed to the mat a couple of times before picking her up and throwing her to her corner. All I was seeing was red and I needed a second to breathe so I stormed across the ring and tagged Sheamus in as B-Fab tagged in Top Dolla again.

I didn't pay as much attention to the match as I should have but I couldn't help it. For some reason, I wasn't feeling like myself. I get snapped back into reality when B-Fab tries to pull me off the apron; even when in my own world, I still keep my feet planted. She attempts to pull me off a few times but still I don't budge, I just kick her in the face and jump off. I grab her up by her hair, walk her round the ring and throw her back to the ground on their side before returning to my position on the apron.

I see Top Dolla go for the cover but I run in and break it. As I stepped out again, B-Fab gets tagged back in and Sheamus tries to crawl over to me to tag out but gets stopped. She puts him into a submission hold and I start seeing red all over again. It was like I truly was The Beast Incarnate.

Jumping over the top rope, I storm towards B-Fab; making her release her hold with a superkick to the jaw. I help Sheamus up and back to our corner, tagging myself in. Before she can fully recover, I force B-Fab to stand and position her for The Hellfire Slam. I lift her above my head and slam her down onto my knee. I was about to go for the cover but I saw Top Dolla step into the ring. Sheamus was distracting the ref briefly and when he fully stepped in, I hit Top Dolla with The Wings of Death. I lay B-Fab over him in the centre of the ring before giving Sheamus the okay to leave the ref alone and placed my foot on top of them.





Sheamus walked over to me and hugged me before the ref lifted our hands up. Then we hear...


I look up at Sheamus shocked, confused and angry. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." I growled and my eyes started to flicker to red. Thankfully, Sheamus acted quickly and hugged me again; letting me cling to him as I buried my face into his chest. We were handed the championship belts and he helped me out of the ring before picking me up and walking us all the way back to my locker room with me hiding my face in his neck.

Once inside my locker room, Sheamus helped me change out of my gear and gently undid the braid I had in my hair. He was even going to wipe off my makeup but before he could, I bolted to the bathroom to throw up.

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