Chapter 93

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I was in the bathroom for a good ten minutes kneeling infront of the toilet, puking my guts up. Sheamus was sat by my side, holding my hair back and rubbing my back. When I finally stopped, I flushed and I sat back against the wall. I noticed him looking at me with concern and worry. "Ste, please stop looking at me like that. I'm fine." I told him but of course he didn't believe me, "Uh huh sure you are. When did this start?" he asked. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, "Honestly, I don't know." I said truthfully; I couldn't remember exactly when it started.

It was quiet for a few moments before Sheamus spoke up again. "You don't think you could be-" He started but I cut him off, "No. No. Absolutely not." I stated; shaking my head. I stood and left the bathroom to get my things together but he quickly followed, "But what if you are. You shouldn't be wrestling." he says making me stop. I sigh heavily before saying, "Ste, please don't take this the wrong way but if I was, it's wouldn't be yours." I didn't give him a chance to respond, I just picked up my stuff and left. I didn't really want to think about that possibility, it shouldn't even be a possibility.

With a quick stop to get the plates changed on my new championship belt, I made it to my car with no issues. I sat there for a while just staring at the thing, thinking about how management could just spring that on us after we won but I managed to shake those thoughts off and drove home.

The house was silent when I there. I received and text from Demi on the way back saying that she was taking the dogs out for a run around the dog park before she went to bed so I don't know how long she'll be. I went straight up to my bathroom and washed off my makeup prior to changing into...

 I went straight up to my bathroom and washed off my makeup prior to changing into

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And getting into bed.

I was scrolling through my socials when I heard Demi and the dogs arrive home. She took off their leashes and came upstairs. When she entered our room and saw me sat in bed, "Hey, great match tonight." she said. I looked up at her with a small smile, "Thanks Dems. I just wish management didn't do what they did." I replied. She took a quick shower and changed into some pyjamas before sliding into bed next to me. I put my phone on charge and rolled over, curling myself up into her side as I lay my head on her chest. We both fell asleep shortly after.

The next morning I was woken up by the urge to throw up. I bolted to the bathroom and hoped that I didn't wake up Demi. As I threw up, completely oblivious to my surroundings, I felt Demi start to rub my back. I mentally face-palmed myself for waking her but couldn't change that now. Once I was finished I flushed and sat back, "Sorry for waking you." I croaked out. "Don't be but don't think I haven't noticed this almost every night." She replied.

She helped me up and I brushed my teeth, then rinsing my mouth out after. Demi left and went downstairs while I followed sluggishly behind. I entered the kitchen and started making some coffee for us, then Demi entered after letting the dogs out. She made me go sit at the table as she finished what I started and started to make us some breakfast. A cup of coffee and a plate of bacon, eggs and toast was placed infront of me a few minutes later. Demi sat down next to me a moment later with her own coffee and food.

Things were silent between us as we ate; until Demi spoke up, "You should go see a doctor. You've been throwing up on and off for the past couple of weeks." she said as we both finished our breakfast. I sighed and began to clean up but she stopped me, "I'll sort it but please think about it. I mean, you could be preg-" she started but I cut her off. "I'm not. It isn't possible." I state firmly which makes her look at me confused. "How can you be so sure?" She asks as I sit back down at the table.

I bury my head in my hands, trying not to cry as all the memories from the attack start flooding my mind. Demi was about to say something when the dogs ran in so she turned to feed them. As she did, I stood up and rushed upstairs; I didn't want to remember but I knew she wouldn't let this go.

I lay in bed, curled up under the covers silently sobbing when Demi found me. She climbed into bed behind me and pulled me to her, wrapping me in her arms; just letting me cry. Eventually the tears stopped but still, no-one spoke. That was until, "What's going through your mind love." Demi asked softly. "Memories." I whisper, "What memories?" was her reply. I took a deep breath and said, "Bad memories."

I knew I had to tell her. I knew I did but I just didn't know how.

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