Chapter 99

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I stood in the ring, waiting on bated breath at what Brock could possibly have to say. Deep down, I already knew but I hoped and prayed he wouldn't. As he stood on the stage looking directly at me, I silently pleaded with him not to say anything. But all he did was smirk as he raised the mic to his lips, "Congratulations Skylar. Truely. But I could help but notice something though." he started as he slowly walked down the ramp and into the ring.

He stepped towards me and looked down at my stomach, "That something being, you never mentioned the father." he said still smirking. I took a few steps back and shook my head as I stared at him with wide eyes. Brock turned and looked over crowd as he asked, "Who here wants to know who knocked her up?" and the crowd responded with "WE DO" chants. He turned back and looked down at me, "I did. Pratically begged me too... Oh... No, wait a minute... She did beg me too." he said with that stupid smirk still ever present on his face.

Everyone in the arena and most likely everyone watching gasped; even The Judgement Day and Sheamus did. I started to tear up as I looked up at Brock but it wasn't just out of sadness. No, it was also because of the anger that was slowly making my blood boil.


I started to shake. Outraged because of what Brock had just done. The lights in the arena started to flicker violently as I clenched my fists. Knowing I was close to shifting, Rhea breaks character and ran to me; grabbing my face to make me look at her, "P look at me, you gotta calm down." Demi whispered. "Payton please." She pleads and my eyes snapped to hers. I take notice of the fact that she broke character for me infront of everyone knowing she was being filmed. I then realise that we were still on air and take a deep breath, calming myself as the lighting goes back to normal.

That's when we all hear Brock laugh, "Aww, how touching. It really is." he says. The fury starting to build again as I pushed past Demi and stormed across the ring, "Fucking bastard." I growl as I punch Brock square in the jaw; making him fly back and down to the floor. I kick him in the stomach as I pass him and exit the ring, walking back up the ramp and backstage; Demi, Sheamus, Damian, Finn and Dom following close behind.

I don't stop when I hear them shouting my name as I stomp to my locker room. When I get there, I slam the door shut and flop down on the couch; letting the tears finally fall. Several, long minutes pass and the tears still flow down my cheeks. TJD and Sheamus stood just outside my door, discussing what could be done about this situation when a crew member approached and said that Adam, Paul and Stephanie had requested my presence before walking away again.

Demi cautiously entered and sat down next to me, "I assume you heard." she said softly and I nodded. "Want me and the guys to come with you?" She asked and I nodded again. She helped me up and gently wiped away tears before picking me up in her arms; wrapping my limbs around her while burying my face in the crook of her neck and walking me out of the room to the boys.

They walked me to Adams office and Damian knocked on the door. They must of heard someone invite us in because he opened the door and we all walked in. Well they walked in, I was still being held by Demi. "Uh... We only asked for Payton, why did all of you show up?" Stephanie asked and Damian answered with, "Because she asked us too." I was so happy that I had such great people to help me in situations like this.

Ever since my Dad rescued me, there were times where I would just shut down and not speak when things got to much, tonight was one of those times. None of them knew this though of course but still, I was so thankful. "Can we get this over with so I can get her home?" Demi said, getting a little aggravated as she sat down infront of Adam, Paul and Steph with me now sat on her lap still clinging to her.

I zoned out for the entire thing, not really wanting to be in the same place as Brock. I just wanted to go home. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, I stir as the blanket is being put over me. "Shh it's okay baby, just go back to sleep." I heard Demi say softly, I nod and drift back to sleep.

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