The Journey, part two

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Sebastian's POV

The Journey to Hogwarts without Ominis seemed different but not entirely miserable, I glanced over to Y/N and noticed that her head was laying against the window her long soft hair was alight by the sun flicking in and out through the trees, what I would give to be that window right now, the chocolate frog seemed to squirm in my hand but i quickly took a bite and looked inside for the card " Merlin again give me a break" I flicked the card onto the opposite side of the seats and watched the wizarden old man glare at me and wonder off out of the picture, I rolled my eyes and looked back at Y/N the train was starting to become jerking and with a massive lurch her head was on my shoulder, It was a surprise that her hair wasn't on fire for at the moment she had made contact with me I had become stiff as if I had become petrified by her sudden touch, she groaned in her sleep and I quickly looked at her she looked terrified as if she was having a nightmare, I gently put my arm around her and in an instant she had curly herself up into a ball still fast asleep her head against my chest,

"please stay asleep" I whispered as my heart beat harder and faster with every small moment she made, she felt so soft so warm I wanted nothing more then to stroke her back and beyond but no, she's your best friend she's forbidden, she's a Gryffindor for fuck sakes she's forbidden, Y/N yawned in her sleep slightly moving her head deeper into my chest, she's your best friend you've done enough damage to her remember what you did to her, yes but it was all for you she told you to curse she sacrificed herself to help you, to help Anne... Anne, It was a few moments I had forgotten about my twin it was the first summer I had spent without her and sending her Constant letters for her forgiveness and begging her to return home, I had taken my uncles house as it had been gone since my parents death, I had no where else to go Ominis had come and gone visiting only to be disappointed by the absence of Anne and the state I had been living in.

I look out the window it was getting dark "should probably change" very slow and gently I put Y/N head onto the seat opened my truck and began to change then without warning the train shock so violently Y/N slipped over the seat and head first onto the ground "ouch" She said her voice muffled "oh shit you all right" she looked at me blowing hair out of her face "Yeah no I'm great nothing like a smack on the head to wake you from a perfect sleep" she got up rubbing her forehead "nearly there I see eh do I need to change before we get to the castle?" "Yeah.. you sure your okay you were.. well you were kinda muttering in your sleep" I knew before I had opened my big mouth this was a stupid thing to say Y/N face was red with embarrassment she looked up at her own truck and ignored my question, I watch her pull down her Gryffindor robes out of her truck a white collared shirt and pants.

Y/N threw her robes on the seat and was pulling off her coat, at this my heart began to pound again the shirt she worse underneath was much to tight and I could tell she had grown not only a little taller but the button on her black button up shirt seem to be straining right in the middle of her bast "eh I'll turn around shall I" I faced the compartment door red faced ears burning as I listened to her unzipping her pants and throwing them onto the seat, for a split second the darkness in which the compartment gave the window seemed to give a slight reflective surface between each other and I was able to see what was going on, half of me wanted to shut my eyes out of respect the other half wanted to watch her reflection through the glass, she was beautiful even in this grimy frame of glass her body seemed to be the only thing I could see, I wanted to turn around to see her flush I wanted to see everything inch of her body and yet I was only inches away

"Oi" she said smacking the back of my head I turned she was only half dressed her trousers were on but her fly was down revealing black underwear her shirt was half way being buttoned up her bra covering so light of the large breasts that were holding them,


I said at this she knew she knew I had been staring through the glass knew I was being a being

" pervert" she said and she covered my face with her robes I ripped them off my head and stared at her, she wasn't look she was finishing her buttons and was tucking in her shirt before taking back her robes and put them over self, she looked at me and raised her eye brow

"so had a nice peep show did you?"

To my surprise she didn't sound angry or annoyed she was amused even was it happy

"No I wasn't.. sorry I should of left instead I didn't mean to"

she began to laugh "next time you get curious I'll burn your eyebrows off"

she smiled and brushed her hair out of her face at this my heart sank there it was the mark that made me wonder from first glance if our friendship would last, from the top of her left eye brow down to her cheek the scar in no potion note spell could remove her face had been slashed by an inferiors an inferiors I was controlling down in the catacomb it had seen her as a threat and before I could stop it, before she could reach for her wand a gash of black and red blood had covered the left side of her face she had fallen to the ground in pain and behind her my uncle stood livid the relic was destroyed and the undead becomes my enemies as I was no longer in control, Y/N had recovered quickly and had helped stop my uncle but in the process risked her life, I couldn't bring myself to see her after what I did Ominis had told me when I returned to the undercroft that Y/N was in the Hospital wing death mark across her face her beautiful face, she had put a growing charm onto her hair to clover her scar, seeing her full face hee smiling at me with a smile I knew I did not deserve made me hate myself.

The train seemed to be slowing down we're had arrived at Hogsmeade "leave that" I said as Y/N reached up for her trunk the house elf's with being them to the common room during the feast" "right?" She replied lowering her arms and swing them awkwardly "Shall we go I'm kinda getting hungry actually" I nodded and stepped aside to let her pass, she waved to Timothy who was now open eyed and alert and we both departed the train following the Hogwarts students to the carriages pulled by the thestrals

"oh that reminds me let me know when you want to meet Anubis"

I stopped in my tracks "meet who sorry?"

Y/N looked around "Anubis my new born thestral I saved from the poachers last year they had him caged and starving remember?"

I shrugged and she rolled her eyes and shook her head as she took the first carriage in front of her, as I was about to follow her something hit me hard in the shoulder "Weasley" It was that red haired git I saw who had his arm around Y/N I knew that look on his face when he touch her hair the smug prick.

The Undercroft. Reader x SebastiansallowWhere stories live. Discover now