The try outs, part two

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Sebastian's POV

Y/N stood there now staring at the canvas ceiling, it was cute really watching her face turn pink, I put on my robes and walked over to her still smiling "All right you can look now" she didn't she was determined to continue staring at the ceiling still pink in the face "oh come off it it's like your saw my-" what did the captain say about your score?" She had it so suddenly I had nearly forgotten to give her the news "well with any luck I'll make the team but I'm tied with the fifth year bloke Thrones but I don't think he stands a chance he fumbled with the ball half way through getting it to the goal" Y/N nodded then finally stared at me "is it normal for teams to start tryouts on the first day or?" "No not really but I heard the Slytherin captain was desperate actually I'm more surprised that Imelda didn't come out" I gave a laugh "probably lost track of time snogging Ominis" Y/N snorted in laughter, it was good to see the colour back in her face it was hard to believe that just two hours ago we were in the bathroom together holding each other close.

We left the change rooms as we walked we talked about which house teams would be playing the first quidditch match and burst out laughing as we openly thought what Ominis and Imelda were up too in their free time, we headed up the bell tower wing and for a history of magic with 10 minutes to spare "looks like Ominis beat us here" we walked up to him and saw he wasn't alone but was in a very deep very private conversation with Imelda who stopped speaking as soon as she spotted us "you missed the tryouts Imelda" I said smiling as she blushed furiously "I've already spoken to the captain before tryouts every began that's why there only one space left in the team two Genius" I rolled my eyes and bumped Ominis on the shoulder "so got all your homework done but ah private tutoring from Ominis here" Ominis who was facing the opposite direction shoved me away as I started to laugh "fuck off". Professor binns glided through open class room door and beckoned the students inside, although Professor binns was our only teacher who was a ghost the class he taught was quite dull not that it wasn't interesting to learn about the goblin rebellion and the war on trolls it was how he's lectures would turn your brain off before you even opened the book, Ominis and Imelda found seat together at the back of class while Y/N was moving to the front "Wait" I grabbed the shoulder of her bag and pulled her towards a seat in the fair corner "if I'm gonna be bored to death at least come join me" she rolled her eyes but smiled and replied "oh very well I'll join your silent torture" we shuffled to our seats and watched as professor Binns glided though the desks of students who shivered the touch of the death was icy and very unpleasant.

Professor Binns droned on about witch burnings it was quite interesting at first until he was back on the subject of the troll wars which we had already covered for the billionth time, I placed my head on my hand and looked over at Ominis who was like everyone else quite bored of the subject and was leaning back on his chair head facing the ceiling not moving his mouth slightly opened while Imelda was flicking pieces of parchment to her friend across the table, I looked at Y/N who had her shoulders on the desk and her face hidden, I nudged her to get her attention, she looked up her eyebrow raise "What?" I pointed at Ominis who sounded like he had fallen asleep and smiled "Ooo I got a spare hair tie hang on" she rummaged in her bag "I love how you know exactly what I'm planning" she looked at me side ways as if to tell me it was obvious, she handed over a black hair tied and ripped up a piece of parchment and made it into a small ball and handed it to me I placed the hair tie between my fingers like a slingshot placed the paper ball in the middle and took aim "ah missed".

We spent most of the lesson seeing who would could get a paper ball inside Ominis open mouth the closer we got the funnier it became, soon Professor Binns was now continuing the lesson on the missing historical figures and how wizards and witches recovered magical artefacts in ancient tombs this made me think of the time in the catacomb and how the ancient in there could of saved Anne or would it of killed her, I looked at Y/N her head resting comfortably on her shoulders, she had stuck with me the whole time even after I killed my uncle even after she got attacked she had ran after me not to capture but to help.

The Undercroft. Reader x SebastiansallowWhere stories live. Discover now