Horns and daggers, Part two

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Sebastian's POV

It was the very last day of classes and Y/N and I had charms together I spotted her at the back of class room and took the seat next to her as she was reading the scattered notes on her desk trying to organise them, she didn't look up whne I started pulling out parchment and my quill, "Good morning sweetheart " she looked up from her notes finally noticing me, she looked exhausted despite the fact she had gone to bed early yesterday "oh hey" she gave me a small smiled and looked back at her notes "I noted you missed breakfast again" I said eyeing her but she didn't answer instead she sighed and put her hands through her hair trying to think, " you know if you keep starving yourself, there won't won't anything for me to hold" I grind at her but she continued to ignore me, we sat in silence until class began, Professor Rowan started us off with a long lecture on the repairing charm and how some objects can become so damaged they can't not be easily mended, I heard Leander mutter something to a Ravinclaw boy who were both sitting behind me and Y/N I did my best to ignore them and focused on the blackboard, after ten minutes the room was silent except for the scribbling of quills and rustling of parchment being moved, I looked to my side and saw Y/N's quill was saking "you alright? Are you cold?" She shook her head and did her best to continue writing but her hand wouldn't stopped shaking, I took my robe off and put it over her shoulder "pathetic, if she was really cold she'd set set herself on fire" I turned around but Y/N grabbed, my shoulder and turned me back to face tbe front "don't, it's what they want" "Oi Sallow did Y/L/N really scare Skinner shitless, bet that made you feel like a real man, letting your little pet fight your battles" I clenched my fists but continued to stare at the my piece of parchment "pet? More like freak if you ask me" I looked up, Y/N had stopped writing both her hands were shaking uncontrollable I looked at her face she was very pale and her eyes looked glassy then something moved through her hair, something pointed and twisted was poking out on both sides of her head, very slowly I pulled her hood over her head and lowed my head to her and spoke in more then a wisper "I don't want to alarm you but I think you might have had a growth spurt" she looked at me and I didn't my best to keep calm so she wouldn't panic as I watched her put her shaking hands through the hood and pat her head, the moment she released what I meant she started breathing very fast and I knew she was going start having an anxiety attack, I took her hand and squeezed it very tightly "just keep breathing, I'm going to get you through this, can you hang on until the end of class?" She nodded " okay just hold on a little longer okay?".

The bell rang and students we packing the bags to leave the class but Y/N had dropped everything and had run out of the class room leaving her bag behind, I picked up her belongings and pushed my way past Leander who was smirking watching Y/N run down the corridor, I followed her down the stairs then lost her in the crowd "shit" I put my hands over my head and looked around "Sebastian" I looked around Poppy was running towards closely followed by Ominis who looked distressed "have you see-" Y/N yes I just saw her at the bottom of the stair case then she disappeared behind a-" oh shit okay I've got to go I'll catch up with you two later" I pushed through the crowd of students heading to their next lesson and towards the familiar portrait of a skull and candle, the pulled out out wand flicked it at the grandfather clock and entered the Undercroft, the room was quiet but not until I reached the bottom most stair and looked around the room, there in front of an old vanity its mirror was cracked and burnt is some places, she her removed mine and her own robes that were now laying of the floor and was examining the horns that had now curled on both sides of her hand, she touched them and flinched, then she looked down placing her hands om the dusty wooden surface of the vanity her back to me, I walk quietly towards then stopped suddenly, she had put one of her hands inside her pocket and pulled out a silver knife the one we use to cut up potion ingredients, my heart felt like it was in my throat as I watched her lift it above her head and touch the surface of one of the horns, "Expelliarmus" a jet of red light shot out of my wand as I pointed it at her hand, the knife shot out of her hand and clatted on the floor as I walked towards her grabbing her wrist before she could take our her wand "what are you-" I don't ever want to see you do that again, do I make myself clear" I said looking furiously into her eyes which now filled with tears "but-" no more I've had enough, you can not expect me to watch you suffer any longer, I can bare stomach watching you starve yourself but this, this is where I draw the line" tears were running down her face and her wrist felt cold, her skin around her wrist blackened it felt scaly, long black claws stretched over her fingers and she released herself from my grip, she looked at me as if I was going to yell at her but I didn't insist I put my hand over hers and took it, pulling her closer to me, her claw like fingers holding my own as I put them against my chest, "Why do you insist on being with me?" She asked not looking at me, I didn't answer I was looking at her face, despite all the changes she was still so beautiful this, flaw that everyone could see made her even more incredible to look at, "ANSWER ME...why do you insist on being with a-" a what a freak, a monster, because your not and I don't care how many times I have to tell to you that, because no matter how many horns you grow or if you start sprouting wings I will still think you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen" she looked at me stunned thus was the first time I had confronted her about my feelings, even though we had shared a kiss a touch and felt one other this was difficult, everyday I felt more and more draw to her since being alone with her in that bathroom, I didn't care about the sex, all I cared about was her safety, her happiness but here she was suffering in silence and I couldn't keep it in any longer, I cupped her face and drew her closer to me, she kept her eyes on mine as I kissed her slowly, my fingers tangled in her long hair I embraced her, then she pulled herself away, her skin was back to normal and the horns on her head had pushed themselves back into her skull, "does it hurt?" "Not really but I know that there not there anymore" I bushed her hair out of her face and looked deeper into her eyes, my heart was pounding against my chest, "do you really think my I'm beautiful?" I smiled "what can I say I admire your beauty, a salve to your words, and your intelligence inspires me, and your eyes drive me insane" she took a step back "so if the creature consumes me would you still think I'm beautiful?" I looked at her confused, then she took a deep breath closed her eyes and opened them again, her eyes were red the pupils had come closer together like a snake , her arms became dark and scaly again the fingers became claws and the twisted curled horns returned but it's didn't stop, she took off her shirt in front of me, she chest was blacked as well the only thing not coved in the scales was her stomach, shoulders and face, I swallowed she was looking at me waiting for my to speak but when I said nothing she looked down at the floor "I knew it, I knew if you saw how bad it was you'd be disgusted" " disgusted? I am far from that, you think I'd walk out of you because of this, if anything it's kinda turning me on" her skin retracted back to its smooth self and she was staring at me shocked "your joking right? You don't actually think" "that the dark scales reminds me of crystals or that your horns are beautifully twisted and sit perfectly on your head or that I fell slightly intimidated by your eyes when they turned red or perhaps I couldn't mind being scratched by those amazing claws" she sighed "your really not going to leave me even if this magic doesn't stop" "you can't get rid of me that easily sweetheart I'm here until the very end, just warn me when you start growing wings" she smiled "I'm assuming that's why you where a corset all the time" she blushed slightly "eh no actually it's just to keep everything together" I raised an eyes then looked at her bust and my face turned red "oh because-" Because if I don't wear one everyone's gonna know I have my massive breasts yes Sebastian thank you for noticing" "I mean I'm not complaining, there quite flattering" she scowled at me and I laughed "what, you know when I first saw them I was actually surprised they weren't the real reason your spin nearly snapped" she rolled her eyes and picked up her shirt off the ground "you know it's really bad for your posture and can give you even more back pain" she turned around facing the cracked mirror, I could see she had tired a bow on the back of the white laced corset she herself was so pale I didn't notice she was wearing it, I walked up behind her and put my hands over her arms "I can see your in pain it's this thing isn't it" she closed her eyes "yes but it pulls me together, sometimes it's like a warm embrace but a lot of the time it's like wearing barbwire" "so take it off" I looked at me in the mirror and saw that I wasn't joking my hands were slowly moving down her arms until I reached her hands which she held "will you help me" I smiled and let her go, the knot was very tight she had double knocked it through the bow but then there were small knots to untie "here" she put a hand in her pocket and handed me a long brown box "it was meant to be your Christmas present but I guess now would be a good time to use it" I took it from her and opened it "holy crap" it was a jagged glass dagger with a marble green hilt and a skill in grave in the centre "do you like it? I made it myself" "it's incredible how did you make it?" "Well i bought the materials in Hogsmeade a few spells here and there a visit to the forbidden forest for spiders venom and a drop of my own blood" I looked shocked at her "what I wasn't going to go out and buy dragons blood when my own is for free" "sometimes I really worry about your mental state" she chuckled as I brought the knife closer to the straps of the corset and with a single swipe they broke away and the piece of fabric lay torn on the floor, Y/N quickly closed herself "blood hell" I laughed "sorry you probably feel a bit cold now" I placed the dagger into my pocket and picked up her shirt and robes and handed them to her "thanks um can I asked a big favour" "ask away" "can I have your sweater? If I just wear my shirt and robes my eh girls are going to be poking out" my face felt like it was set on fire but I smiled at her and took off my sweater and gave it to her "thank you I'll be sure to return it by the end of the day" "no need you can keep it" I raised an eyebrow "but won't you get cold" I shrugged "only if you keep asking me for more clothes" I watched her put her button up shirt back on the she put her my sweater which made my heart pang "oh dear" "what?" She looked down at the sweater as if something was the matter "nothing just ah Unacceptable thoughts" I raised an eyebrow "something you wish to tell me" "not unless you want me to rip my nice sweater off you" she smirked and walked closer to me she placed her hands on my chest and moved them up to my collar, she had paralysed me by her touch "but then what would I give you for Christmas" she patted my cheek then picked up her bag and left me standing in the empty room of the undercroft

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