Chapter Twenty, Fears in flames

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It was Christmas Eve and I had spent most of the day in the library alone, poring over useless textbooks and parchment trying to complete the long list of homework I had left piled on the back of mine mind, I had woken up in the middle of the night again sweating the dream I had was horrific that I had to the bathroom to be violently sick, my body had felt so weak sitting on the cold stone floor I was surprised I was able to stand, Nillie was woken up by my Wrenching "Y/N are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine just ate something funny at dinner" but this was a down right lie I had once again avoided the great hall and had spent the evening battling my hunger pains down in the Undercroft, I was lucky enough not to have been spotted by Sebastian who also seemed to be avoiding sitting in the great hall during meal times, I had only in counted him once since we went out separate ways during our date in Hogsmeade he has kissed me good night outside the Portrait of the fat lady and we haven't spoken since, I had spotted him hiding in the corner of central hall and watched him preform the disillusionment charm, I could see the shimmering effect the charm gave him and saw the door to the entrance to the green houses open slightly then close, I had made my own way to the library that very night in hopes to distract my from this peculiar behaviour and also the dream I had, I had hidden myself in the basement of the restricted section sitting on the stone cold floor books, ink bottles, a quill and spare pieces of parchment littered the floor around me as I worked tirelessly, it had only just occurred to me that it was now morning as the sounds of birds and footsteps could be heard from upstairs "dame it" I pulled my wand out and flicked it, the scattered and crumpled up punishment vanished and i quickly shoved my textbooks, Ink bottle and quill back into my satchel and got up losing balance slightly as my right leg had fallen asleep "ah great come on wake up" I stamped my foot and a flow of pins and needles prickled my and down my leg as I started walking up the staircase, once I reached the second landing I paused listening then very slowly and quickly used the disillusionment charm on myself and crept up the last few steps, as I reached the gate of the restricted section i managed to squeeze past madam Scribner who was muttering to herself as she re-organised the shelves it was easy to slip past her undetected as she had left the gate of the restricted section wide open, then once I knew I was out of sight I removed the enchantment and was free to wonder the library without worrying about being seen, then I went over to the counter and waiting for the librarian.

"Has it come in yet?" I asked as Scribner placed a pile of heavy book onto her desk and eyed me suspiciously "I didn't hear you come in" "eh" "what is it you wanted again ah yes let me see" she opened a draw and started shuffling through name cards inside "hm I've just moved it up stairs magical artefacts section at the very end" "thank you" "and mind you return it to its proper place" she called out as I headed up the stairs, I had been waiting for an opportunity to read a particular book that was always never available during school hours, now was the perfect time to get the book before anyone else got to it, I walked down the narrow book cases and scanned down the row, then looked up at the blue leather bound book just above my head, I reached a hand for it "oh come on" my finger tips were barely scraping the spine of the book as I was on my tippy toes trying to reach for it, then an outstretched arms came into view and took the book off the shelf "magical relics artefacts and cursed objects" I turned around to see Sebastian stand right behind me examining the book, I quickly grabbed the book out of his hands but he was too quick and raised it "don't test me today Sebastian please I'm not in the mood" "oh come now you know I can't resist watching you struggle" "I'm serious give me back the book" "please?" I rolled my eyes and folded my arms "eh please can I have the book" he smirked then handed it to me and I snatched it off him "Ass" I walked away from him opening the book as I wandered over to one of the tables at the far end of the room, flicking through pages as I heard Sebastian walk behind me, "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" he said taking a sit next to me as I scanned page after page ignoring him "or perhaps you didn't sleep, I know I couldn't even though I have the whole dorm to myself it's bloody lonesome but then again not having to hear Ominis snoring had been quite peaceful" I turned another page still not listening "you know you can't ignore me forever" "unfortunately no I can't be I can make you shut up" I spat as I turned back to the page I was on trying to read, he simply chucked at me "you've been avoiding me" "trying" "why?" "You started it" "What? I haven't been avoiding I've just been occupied with other stuff" I scoffed "right yes other stuff you mean running to the forbidden forest at night or sneaking into the greenhouses, what are you doing in there exactly?" "That's my private business thank you very much" "oh I'm so sorry didn't know you were interested in planting your own  botanical Garden" I put my elbow on the table and rested my head on my hand as I skimmed through the pages more frantically "oh this is ridiculous, how come I'm in this bloody library I can't find anything useful" "what are you looking for anyway?" "that's my private business" "fine be that way" he replied leaning back in his chair and making it Creek as he swing it back and forth, after a few minutes of fruitless searching I slammed my hands on the table impatiently "will you please stop making that insufferable noise you can either stay and be silent or piss off someone who isn't looking for a reason to dangle you from the astronomy Tower" Sebastian put four legs back onto the ground and folded his arms, as I continued reading through the pages.

"If you don't stop clicking your tongue I'm going to rip it out of your throat" I snapped 15 minutes later after being once again interrupted by unwanted noises "and what exactly do you suggest I do?" "I don't care just stop making stupid noises" "fine" I returned back to paragraph I had read five times then giving up turned the page and read the next paragraph, after another 15 minutes I felt something warm touch my thigh I closed my eyes and breathed very deeply as Sebastian's hand started making its way up my skirt "don't" "don't what?" he said softly in my ear "you know exactly what sallow" I said opening my eyes slowly and placing to of my hands on the side of my hand trying to force on the pages in front of me instead of the slowly moving hand caressing my upper thigh "Please don't" I repeated as the hand moved higher up my skirt getting closer to uncharted territory, my face grew hotter when I suddenly realised the unnaturally breeze flowing through my body, I had dressed so quickly trying not to disturb the girls in my dorm that I had grabbed a shirt my sweater and what a skirt which was the only thing I had in truck despite being lazy with my not putting my dirty clothes away and now here I sat waiting for the man next to me to discover what was missing underneath, I crossed my legs the other way in hopes he would remove his hand but instead in made him more eager to continue, "Please stop Sebastian, someone could be watching" "I have no idea what your talking about and if I did then perhaps you care to tell me why I should stop" "because your distracting me" I said breathlessly I felt my chest raise and fall more slowly and deliberately as his hand reached his destination "are you not wearing any underwear?" He said a hit of surprise and pleasure in his tone of voice "you dirty little minx" he added as his hand was sliding between my legs, a wave of anxiety and temptation washed over me as two different scenarios danced in my head, one we were caught and thrown out of the library and one were he would suddenly pin be down on this table and have his way with me, I swallowed I was glue to the chair unable to get up and leave before he could progress any further, my mind way blank and I felt my leg slip off the other allowing him access with one Long finger, I felt my breathing quicken now as he motioned his finger deeper inside me, my shoulders relaxed as he pulled it out and back in again very gently, "just tell me to stop and I will" he said quietly now placing two fingers inside and twisted them, I sighed very deeply trying not to make a noise "Don't" I said as my eyes started to flutter slightly the more his fingers became intertwined "Don't stop?" He asked I could tell he was enjoying himself by the tone of his voice "Don't...Can't...focus...stupid...question" I stammered trying to keep my breathing under control then a rush of adrenaline poured over me and I felt Sebastian's fingers remove themselves from my legs then he stood up so suddenly I nearly jumped out of my chair "well I'll let you get back to it" "Wha what?" He turned away to leave "oh no you don't" I spat slamming the book shut, I felt a surge of annoyance and anger and other mixed emotions I was quite unaware of as I pushed Sebastian down the long narrow path way of books and slammed him against the book shelve, one hand was at his throat while the other was making its way down his pants, he looked dumbstruck as my hand tightened over his throat and his facial expression changed rapidly as my other hand slipped down his draws and taking a firm grip on him, his face was bright red as I tightened my grip and Heard a slight whimper which made me smiled, "what's wrong Sallow can't think of a clever retort?" I felt him swallow and his breathing became hush as I moved my hand gradually up and down "Feeling distracted? Just tell me to stop and I will" I said repeating his words, he didn't say anything at first I thought I must of went to far with this but then he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my closer to his face pressing his lips on mine, our tongues intertwined immediately as our lips parted and I felt his other on my hip pulling me closer gripping me tightly his fingers digging into my skin as my hand quickened, he quickly removed his grip and pull my hand away from him "Undercroft" he said breathlessly I looked him confused trying to catch my own breath "wha-"Undercroft now" he took my hand and dragged me downstairs I was able to snatch up the book off the table before being pulled away and out the of the library

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