Charper Seven, The return of ancient magic 

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The lesson had ended with a few students being woken up by their neighbours or kicked awake by friends, Ominis moved his head forward and heard the hundreds of paper balls fall to the floor as he moved "why am I covered in garbage " Sebastian and I looked at each barely containing our laughter "idiots" Ominis picked up his bag and held his wand aloft the red light guiding his way out the door "eh should we apologise?" I asked slightly guilty as Imelda picked up her own bag and followed Ominis frowning at us as she past "Na he's fine honestly you should see the shit I used to do when he would fall asleep in class not nearly as bad as throwing garbage at him" I raised an eyebrow "remind me not to fall asleep while your around" he looked affronted "My dear woman I would never dream of pulling thi pranks on you" he bowed stupidly and I rolled my eyes, he was always had a good sense of humour unlike Ominis most of the time however Sebastian always knew where the line was drawn during situations that involved danger during theses stressful situations I find him more focused and alert even after his study of the book of dark magic he himself became the danger, it was only a matter of time before Ominis and I were able to find him in that catacomb if he hadn't I dread what would of become of him and of Anne, I don't ever regret going after him even if it meant risking my life and getting my face nearly torn off nothing would of stopped me from saving him nothing.

It was dinner time I had hurried off to the common room to drop of my things when I bumped into someone on my way out of the Portrait hole of the fat lady, "Oops sorry" I picked up the booked the person was holding them releasing the red hair and freckled face of Garreth who had bent down to retrieve his fallen book "no that was my fault wasn't paying attent-" he looked up in surprise "oh it's you" he stood up "hey listen about last night I was only messing I didn't really mean anything by it just came as a shook really at first glance" I raised my eyebrow "so you admit being a pervert?" I asked My voice cool Garreth went red which didn't satisfy an answer I shoved the books back into his arms and walked out of the Portrait hole as he called out to me "I'm sorry" "okay I'm ready" Sebastian was leaning against the wall playing this his pocket watch on a chan and at the sight of me walked over "guess who I bumped into?" I said as we made our way down to the great hall "peeves... no wait he's in the dungeons throwing dung bombs at passing students lucky I was able to avoid him actually" "Garreth" Sebastian missed the first step down the stairs and nearly fell, he quickly recovered he said *cough* "oh yeah and what did he want?" "Nothing he just said how he didn't mean anything about last night and he was only shocked by my massive balloons" I snorted it was ridiculous if he was really sorry he wouldn't of spread rumours all around the castle, I heard the cracking of knuckles and noticed that Sebastian's fists were clinched his face was furious "if I ever see that stupid git again I'll-" Oh stop it you won't do anything" "oh yeah" he said raising his voice slightly "You give me day and time I'll beat the shit out that little-" I covered his mouth with my hand Professor Weasley had walked Passed and into her office and closed the door behind her "if you continue making empty threats so be it but if you get caught doing something stupid I can't save you" I moved my hand from his mouth he had gone pink, we continued our way down the Grand staircase in silence then I heard a familiar voice just on the second landing of the stairs case it was Sir Nicholas the Gryffindor ghost or as some students called him Nearly headless Nic he seemed he was having a conversation with the headmaster's house elf Scrope who was polishing his master's marble head, it sounded as if they were arguing about the unkempt state of Nicholas own beheaded statue we stopped to watch.

Scrope: "Poor Sir Nicholas, Nearly headless and also nearly dusted and never cared for or-

Sir Nicholas: "Yes no need to dwell. Scrope. I'm certain the headmaster wouldn't mind"

Scrope: "Scrope's relatives have been beheaded by the black family sir"

Sir Nicholas: "are you saying that to annoy me? Oh beheaded servants yes I see your point. Never mind. Choose your battles I say! I shall be polished another day.

And with that he had disappeared into the wall behind him leaving Scrope to continue with his polished fretting under his breath "that was certainly interesting" said Sebastian as we continued on we could still hear Nearly headless Nick murmuring as he glided down the stairway "Good evening Sir Nicholas" I said as we approached closer to the great hall "oh good evening my good friend and to you my good man" "everything all right? You looked upset" "oh well I'm trying to invite the headless hunt to a dinner party but none of them seem to what to come" Sebastian and I looked at each other confused "eh dinner party you mean tonight?" Asked Sebastian "no no you see my death day is in a few weeks and-" death day party? You have celebrate the day of your death" interrupted Sebastian I punished him arm "What? Its a serious question sounds down right depressing to have to celebrate the day you were murdered or-" anyway so when is this death day?" I said stepping on Sebastian's foot as he tried to interrupt "The night of the Halloween feast" nearly headless Nick considered us for a moment "you wouldn't happen by any chance be interested in joining the festivities?" Sebastian and I looked at each other thinking "eh well Nick I don't think it would be how you said appropriate for a living being to attend a um celebration of death" I said politely "oh what nonsense please I insist you and your handsome fellow here to join me in the celebration of my death" i opened my mouth to answer but "we'll be there it's a formal dinner I assume?" Sebastian looked at me beaming "it's a date" at this my face went bright red "Marvellous simply marvellous well I'll be off things to do" he floated away, Sebastian opened his mouth to speak "if you say one more stupid word I am going throw you downstairs" cursing I continued the rest of way down the stairs and into the great hall Sebastian at my heels.

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