The Unbroken bond, Part two

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Sebastian's POV

We followed professor Shape to the headmaster's office but before he entered the tower we were stopped by Professor Weasley "Ah Professor Shape I need a word with.. merlin's beard what's happened" Professor Weasley looked At Michael then her eyes fell on me then at Y/N who had not bothered to fix her robes

"Caught using the Cruciatus Curse on a fellow student"

Whatever Professor Weasley thought Shape would say was not this

"Using an unforgivable curse on a fellow student but why?"

"Professor please let me explain" Y/N said but Professor Sharp interrupted

"I believe it best to take these three to the headmaster's office to discuss the matter further"

"Professor Black has gone to the Mystery and one be back until tomorrow evening"

"Then we shall send an urgent owl to both families and the headmaster informing them of the-"Professor Shape, Professor Weasley" a voice echoed in the distance and I turned my head to see a tall very familiar man walking towards us ' Alexander Rookwood' was strutting down the hallway his black velvet travelling clock billowing in his stride

"What are you doing here" I spat unable to control my anger, Rookwood eyed me darkly and I felt Y/N finger tips close over mine as she stood beside me

"I don't believe that is any of your business boy" he snarled then he looked at Michael and raised an eyebrow "why is my nephew covered in blood"

"Nephew?" I stared at the pair looked nothing alike though they seem to both have that thin skeletal look about them perhaps they were related

"Mr Rookwood your Nephew had just been caught using an unforgivable curse on Mr Sallow and"

Rookwood held out and hand to stop professor Weasley from speaking

"Is this true Miguel?"

He nodded and inclined his head in a small bow

"explain yourself" Rookwood demanded but Michael looked up and opened his mouth to speak but I interjected

"He molested Y/N"

Professor Weasley gasped in horror "Mr Sallow please do not make up such nonsense"

"But he did I saw him" I shouted

"That is enough Mr Sallow"

"Sebastian is right professor" Y/N was so quite If it wasn't for the fact she was holding my hand I would of forgotten she was there, her eyes were still blood shot she had made herself a small as possible in stature in hopes no one would notice the fresh tears running down her face

Rookwood's eyes wander up and down Y/N figure before snapping them back to his nephew "is this all true boy? Did you molest this girl then use an unforgettable curse"

Blood drain from Michael's face as he focused himself to start at the soulless eyes which were very much is own

"ANSWER ME" Rookwood shouted his voice echoing through the corridor

Micheal closed his eyes "Yes sir"

"Right then" Rookwood grabbed Micheal by the back of his collar and pulled forwards to stand next time him "My deepest apologies Miss Y/L/N, and to you professor Weasley, Professor Sharp" he incline his head in a small bow "these actions from my sisters boy should will not go unpunished, good day to you"

And before anyone could say a word Rookwood pushed his way pass pushing his Nephew forward making him stumble on his feet and slightly behind, shadowing his uncles stride.

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