Chapter twenty-three, Her lover's return

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Sebastian's POV

"By order of the Ministry and this court you are here by found not guilty on which the crime you have committed are true you are given a full pardon though your actions weren't intended to harm or to kill your Guardian, we believe your nine month imprisonment sentence is long enough and you may return to Hogwarts in which you will complete your studies on the condition that you remain inside the castle and it's grounds where you will be closely monitored by the schools faculty, if however you are seen outside the castle and it's boundaries especially after hours you will be sent back to the Dementors without trial, do I make myself clear Mr swallow?"

"Yes sir, thank you sir"

"And anything thing, Stay away from Miss Y/L/N you have caused enough damage mentally and her father wishes you to keep your distance from her"

"I understand sir, thank you"

"Very well, you are dismissed"

As the gabble hit the desk I straight up, and left the room unable to stop my hands from sweating and my heart from beating out of my chest, I was free but at what cost, was it worth returning to the castle and continuing my life without her in it worth it, no it wasn't but I didn't have a choice, she had made the decision to have her memories erased so that wouldn't not have to suffer any longer, but knowing she would not remember our time spent together to remember the adventures we had dangerous yes but it what brought us closer together she would not remember our friendship or my undeniable loyalty to her, she wouldn't remember our first kiss or our first date nothing I was nothing to her now, and that was worse then being trapped in that infernal prison, but then again half of me was grateful to be able to return to Hogwarts, so something warm and more inviting.

I returned back to the castle two weeks late, I had seriously debated on returning since to me there was nothing really waiting for me there, but I was surprised as I walked down the path towards Hogwarts to see Ominis but his sudden appearance was slightly less inviting, he looked down right alarmed about something pacing back and forth between the rocks and the entrance to the forbidden forest,

"Ominis what's happened? Why are you out here so late?"

"Sebastian is that you? Merlin I don't know what do, I couldn't stop her"

"Stop who? What's going on"

But by the frightened expression on his face I knew exactly who he was referring to

"Where is she?"

"I can't tell you, you know that you can't be near her"

"But what if she's in danger. Ominis you have to tell me where she is"

A loud bang louder then a gunshot was heard in the distance of the forbidden forest and howling of wolves following by screaming fill the still night air



I sprinted into the forest following the howls and screams from what sounded only a few feet away, I felt the tree branches scratch my face and arms but I didn't care Y/N was in trouble and by the sounds of her screaming she was in serious distress, I stopped suddenly at a small clearing and noticed a bundle of rages laying on forest floor, heart racing I picked up the bundle only to realise they were her house robes along with a ripped button up shirt and tie, what happened here?, an ear slitting shriek filling my ears and was off again off the path and deeper into the forest, I stopped again to listen I had lost the trail her scream sounded so close

"Dame it"

I pulled out my wand, I was surprised at the time that the Ministry did not destroy my wand and was even more surprised when they gave it back to it was basically returning the weapon that had killed my uncle which got me sent to Azkaban in the first place

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