Mending emotional wounds, part two

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Sebastian's POV

The lesson had ended I walked over to the desk where Y/N was all ready packing her bag as she reached out for her charms homework the left sleeve which had blacked from Leander's spell and her wrist was revealed "What's that" I grabbed her hand pulling it towards not before she had released herself quickly "nothing just a scratch" she pulled her sleeves down trying to hide what I knew were cuts "Your bleeding" I said it was true her sleeve was covered In blood but as she investigated this with her over hand I noticed both sleeves were drenched in blood " What's happened" I demanded looking stricken "I..I" she was pale white her eye huge "I have to go" she took her bag and ran out of the room bumping into a few passing students, grabbing my bag and her homework I ran after her "Dame where'd she go" then a flash of red robes and wavy hair darted a corner into the girls bathroom, I hurried along passing a few shook looking forth year girls whom had just been in there " um excuse me you can't go in there that's the girls bathroom" ignoring their giggles and shouting.

I entered the bathroom locking it behind me, it was quite expect for a distant tap that was running water I moved towards to nose to see Y/N stand in front of the sink her robes on the floor both arms submerged in the flooded sink, "are you all right?" I asked as I walked closer I stopped dead looking into the pool of running water which had turned Scarlet, she was crying tears fell down her face into the now pool of blood "Make it stop make it stop please" I took her hands out of the water and she clamped onto the floor knees bent clutching her waists, deep cuts lined down both sides of her arms, I rummaged through my bag and extracted a bottle of dittany then torn a piece of my shirt and poured the bottle over it, as I knelt down to face Y/N she was shaking unable to control the blood, I gently pulled her arm towards me and started dabbing at her wounds not looking at her she had stopped shaking and was now breathing deeply but she skin was still very pale and she was quite cold "hopefully this will stop the bleeding we should head up to the hospital wing so that-" "NO" she had said it so abruptly that I nearly cricked my neck as I started at her face, rubbing it slightly she continued "thank you Sebastian I appreciate your concern but I-" "Don't want to let anyone see you've harmed yourself" I finished for her this is why she had left in a hurry and avoided my questions "But why" I asked taking her over the arm and dabbing the soaked piece of fabric onto the now bloody wrist, she was silent for a few seconds I knew she was considering telling me a lie when, "I returned to the common room last night and.. and was cornered by some sixth year boys I couldn't get away I was frightened and they.. they started touching me I threatened to hex them but the become even more aggressive so I ran to the bathroom" "seems to be your favourite destination" she shook her head "I don't know what happened next I must of blacked out from anxiety you know what I'm like can't remember when I've had an attack next think I remember was I had woken up covered in toilet paper" she looked down ashamed, I however was fuming "who were theses blokes?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm "I don't know just a couple of pricks who-" "if I see them touch you or go near you I'll kill them" I said interrupting her, she looked up an expression of pity now my face red with anger, she cupped my face her cold hands seem to cool down my frustration however inside me was burning at her touch a flame had ignited some wherever in my heart my very soul was burning with excitement with a longing to get closer to her, "Please don't go looking for trouble Sebastian you don't have to protect me" her eyes were boring into mine as if forcing me to understand her request I took her hands and removed them from my face and once again tucked her hair behind her ear looking her full in the face her beautiful dark eyes had stopped filling with tears and her pale skin had made the mark across her face darker I placed my hand on the side of her cheek where the mark was my thumb stroking her face which was warm but slightly wet from her tears, the mark felt slightly deep in her skin it made me feel sick with guilt.

"I'm sorry" I said not thinking "Wha-" "I'm sorry about that night the night I went mental I never meant to hurt you" she looked confused and held my hand that was over her face, my voice started to shake I knew it was too late to apologise but I had to say something "This" I stroked the mark again with my thumb "This should have never have happened never not on your beautiful face" she was blushing I looked into her eyes they looked tired and wary something was wrong she seemed to be struggling to keep her eyes opened for some reason "hey hey what's wrong" I grabbed her shoulder as she began to sway as if she was about to faint "eh my head hurts" she rubbed with her palm "I feel.. I feel" her fell backwards I shook her gently to keep her from fainting "I really think you should go to the hospital wing you've lost heaps of blood" at this she shook herself awake "no no hospital wing please Sebastian" I bit my lip thinking she was in no state to walk on her own and differently in no position to head to future lessons finally I had an idea I leaned her against the wall and pulled a piece of parchment out of my bag, ink bottle, and Quill and hurriedly scribbled a note to Ominis telling him to let anyone who asked where we were even though the destination was false, I pulled out my wand and taped it it folding itself into a moth and it flew out the open window and out of sight.

I looked back at Y/N her eyes were closed she had fainted, I picked up her bag and flung it over my shoulder, scooped her into my arms and rushed out of the bathroom, "Sebastian what are you doing in the girls bathroom wha-" I pushed past Imelda who was startled while I was carrying Y/N towards the defence against the dark arts tower and through the passage leading to the undercroft there I quickly summoned an old chair towards me and lowered Y/N onto it she was quite still panicking I put my hand on her forehead she was cold and still very pale, minutes past as I thought of what to do, a voice behind me made me jump and I quickly pulled out my wand "oh it's you Ominis" Ominis was walking very quickly into the room and stop into if the arm chair "I got your message then Imelda said she saw you carrying Y/N out of the girls bathroom said Y/N was covered in blood what happened?" He was sweating he must of ran here "I.." I paused wondering if I should tell him then "I noticed something was wrong during charms she ran to the bathroom so I followed and she was covered in blood so I helped her clean it off and then she fainted so I brought her here" Ominis frowned slightly "Why here why not the hospital wing Sebastian if she's lost blood she needs to see a-" "No" I interrupted "But-" "I said no" Ominis stood there dumbfounded if I took Y/N to the hospital wing I would lose her trust she had been quite clear that she did not want to go anywhere near the hospital wing, Ominis signed and leaned against the closets wooden crate "Very well Sebastian if you insist on taking care of her on your own I won't protest" he folded his arms his wand in his hands deep in thought, I started at Y/N face my heart was beating very fast "She is breathing?" Ominis raised an eyebrow and unfolded his arms listening carefully "From what I can tell it's very faint but yes she is still breathing" I took a deep breath of relief and sat on a stool beside the chair and watch her chest slowly rise and fall and her breathing becoming normal.

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