A new threat, part two

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Sebastian's POV

It had been nearly a week since Y/N had any sort time together and the last time we had spent Quality time was during breakfast one Monday morning when the post owls arrived just in time as Y/N squeezed in next to me while Ominis had left to retrieve his potions book as he had panicked to leaving the common room as he heard Imelda's voice come out of her dormitory, I took the daily prophet from the post owl and gave it a Knut as it flew away my choked on my eggs "You know your meant to swallow right?" She hit me hard on the back as I started coughing and laid the prophet out onto the table for her to see "*cough* read it" she rolled her eyes and scanned the front page "eh ha you know I'm not a massive fan of wizarding bands, I mean there kinda cool I guess but" "not that look read that there" I pointed at a small picture just below the last column about the famous Scottish band Break up.

The picture was of a tall Sello faces wizard wearing a smart three piece suit with his hair combed back and his eyes not blinking at the camera he was shaking hands with a healer from St mangoes and the caption read "Alexander Rookwood apologises on behalf of his families resulting actives during last year and has given a generous donation towards St mangoes and offering full support in the many uses of dragons blood, Mr Rookwood has been working with many of the ministries employees in hopes to find ways to heal and cure the many patients still suffering in St mangoes"

"What a load shit" Y/N exclaimed Poppy said he got that dragons blood from torturing the beasts" "Keeping reading" "Mr Rookwood has been given a full pardon from the mister himself for the past crimes against the wizards gomot a few years before his disappearance"

Y/N stopped reading she looked slightly confused "eh what crimes did he commit?" "Oh you know the usual dark wizard stuff committing arsenal, muggle capturing, impressing muggle borns and their families, experimenting on magical creatures" "alright alright I get he's an ass hole" "a very dangerous ass hole Y/N if what Poppy said is true and this Guy is after you, you need to stay on your Guard" "Pff what's he gonna do kill a sixteen year old girl" I looked her in amazement "wait your still have the trace?" She looked perplexed "trace what trace oh yeah the trace only for a few days" then it hit me Y/N's Birthday was just around the corner and if this Man was working at the Ministry he could be able to detect her where about outside the castle, at the thought I grabbed her shoulder and shook her slightly "Promise me you won't leave this castle unless your with me or at least until you turn seventeen" she scoffed at me "will you relax, look as far as we know this guy isn't even anywhere near Hogwarts look it says on the bottom of the page was last seen and heard returning to his post in Albania, that's miles and miles away from here" "but what about his followers his watchman" "I'm sure I can handle a few empty headed goons Sebastian, you do release your sitting next to a powerful wizard who destroyed the most dangerous goblin in even know to wizard kind or single handedly contained a source of power ancient magic that's still hidden underneath this very school" she rolled her eyes and began to eat, it was incredible to see that she was not at all worried or even concerned about what plans Alexander had in store, no instead she occupied herself in checking her time table and scanning it "oh bugged got to go or I'll be late for divination" she kissed me on the cheek and left.

It had been days since we spoke about Rookwood or even spoken at all for she was spending most of her free time preparing for the up coming match against Slytherin and when she was doing that she was studying, if it wasn't for that fact I had made the Slytherin team as their new beater even though I tried out for chaser I would of went to watch her try outs but unfortunately this made it even more difficult to be seen around her a few of the Slytherin would give me dirty looks whenever they saw me sitting with her in the library or at my house table, so in hopes to give her breathing to to focus on her training and homework's I did my best to avoid her, "so whatcha you get Y/N for her birthday" asked Ominis during charm class one afternoon "a new wand holder" "very classy" "what about you?" "Well I noticed she's been spending a lot of time practicing lately so I got her a new a pair of gloves warms the wearer during winter and keeping them dry during the wet season" "nice choice" "you do release her birthday falls on the same day you both have match together" I groaned and put my head onto the desk "yes Ominis I know, you know you and skinner should met up for drinks sometimes he also seems to enjoy pestering me, Sebastian stop dropping your bag, Sebastian the blugger isn't meant to distract or team Sebastian bla bla bla" I heard Ominis lean back on his chair as he waved his wand making the small golf ball were meant to be enlarging ten times bigger it's normal size, "perhaps you can find a motive, find a way to make bat and blugger make contact inside of blugger and your enormous head" I looked up and rolled the golf ball away in which it landed on his foot "Ass hole".

It was now getting close the very first match of the season and Y/N seventeen birthday, last year even though we barely knew each I could remember how surprised she was when she found that the Undercroft has been decorated in her favourite flowers and that Ominis and I had spent the whole evening sneaking into the kitchens to steal her a birthday cake, this year was different I had spent a good few hours at Hogsmeade during my free period and had found what I thought would be useful and special, finally the day arrived and once Y/N entered the great hall a great cheer from the Gryffindor team rung out singing and cheering, I had been only a few steps away from her when she was steered into a seat with the team who were patting her on the back and handing over small trinkets, Ominis pushed me forwards indicating it was time to speak to her "Oh wow this is fantastic Eddie thank you" Eddie the Gryffindor team captain puffed out his chest "ah it's nothing I thought you could use it during your first match hey" he looked up and saw me approaching Y/N and I swallowed "eh hey Y/N do you have a second" "don't you go trying to hex her before the match Sallow we're all watching you" I frowned as Y/N put down the embroidered red and gold Jersey with the number 7 patterned with small snitches around it and stood up "easy boys I can handle it" smiling we walked to a corner in the hall and I looked at her "Just wanted to say happy birthday" I felt stupid this was stupid why couldn't I look her in the face and say it, Ominis moved in front of me and handed her a small golden box "hey you might find it useful today" she opened "Oh excellent I was looking for these but there so expensive" Ominis shrugged "thought the best seeker deserves the best gift" she punched his arm in a affectionate way and put them on "suits you" I said watching her wiggle her fingers through the holes of the gloves "they feel amazing my fingers tips feel warm even though their not covered thanks Ominis" she looked me smiling "eh here" I handed her a long brown box and she looked at it curiously then opened "aw Sebastian it's beautiful" she pulled out a marble white wand holder and on the bottom punched an owl mid flight "Oh it's little Timothy" she said and without warning she hugging me "ha I knew you'd like it" "Like it oh I love it" she pulled out of the hug and pulled out her wand and gently inserted it into this holder "Perfect fit, well I best be off I'll see you in the pitch" she left running towards the Gryffindor table to join her team once again who were pumping themselves up before the match, "SALLOW" I turned it was Imelda "Oh shit" Ominis turned around to leave but I pulled him by the back of his collar and dragged him back "If I'm going to get lectured by your girlfriend you can at least stay by my side" Ominis gritted his teeth as Imelda came closer "What the hell has gotten into you, fraternising with the enemy" I started to laugh "Pff the enemy just because she's a better flyer then you doesn't mean you can call her names" I heard Ominis give out a soft groan at this a few seconds later I knew why, she came up to me face to face and pulled my ear "get off" "you listen here Sallow inside the castle she can be your little friend but out of the pitch she is nothing to you understand" I pushed her away, rubbing my ear "Yeah what ever" she stalked away "bloody bitch, ah oh sorry mate" Ominis chuckled "eh she is one at that but something I can't resist her fiery energy her gives off" Ominis went slight pink "your disgusting" I said laughing. 

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