The Unbroken bond, part four

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Sebastian's POV

Dinner in the great hall was quiet mainly because Y/N only agreed to eat if there wasn't a lot of people around, as we sat in silence the door to the great hall opened then closed, I watched as four Ministry men walked towards us all wearing black leather coats with dragon hid boots one of them looked strangely familiar "Sebastian Sallow" A tall balding man approached the table we sat "what's going on?" Ominis was unaware of the situation and so was the rest of the students who were now stand up to have a better view the bald man grabbed my arm and pulled me off my seat "HEY GET OFF ME" I pushed wizard away from me and pulled out my wand, "wand away Mr Sallow you can fight all five of us" Five? The man who spoke behind the wizards came into view

"Dad?" Y/N said standing up in surprise "what are you" but before she could finish her sentence her expression was as clear as day she took my hand and dragged me behind her using herself as a shield, the bald man that had pulled off my seat pulled me away from her but she wouldn't let go

"Mr Sallow you are under arrest"

"NO" it was her fry that frightened me not the hand that was pulling me away from her grip

"For the  use of an unforgettable curse on your fellow peer"

"No wait" i struggled to release myself but

"And for the murder of your uncle"

"NO!" Y/N's hand was digging into my very skin no matter hard they pulled her way from me

"Someone remove the girl"


It was like someone had snapped a piece of robe that was binding our hands together and as her hand left mine a pain unlike I had ever felt surged through my body as if I had been stuck by lightning and ripped apart at the same time, Y/N's screams were the worst part, I watched as she fell on her knees clutching her very heart as if it were full out of her chest and knew she was feeling the same as if someone was clawing at it pulling it out

"Get him out here while I sort this out" Y/N father ordered the man who had my arms behind my back and was pulling me away but I stood my ground

"NO DON'T TOUCH HER" I didn't care that I was making it worse by kicking and screaming I didn't care if it was Y/N's father that kelt down beside her and tried to Comfort her I could see her struggling to stand up trying to push her father away to get to me and it made my very soul burn,


Her angry cry's turned into screams of pain and she was on all fours clutching her chest as if trying to rip out her heart

Her back was trembling then a sound like multiple bones were cracking echoed around the great hall along with her moans of pain, her hands had turned scaly black and those twisted horns green out of the sides of her head, the tail whipped out of nowhere and hit floor with a SMACK then with an ear deafening CRACK one enormous black leather wing emerged from out of her back a few seconds later the second one appeared an exact copy, stunned by this sudden peculiar behaviour one of the black cloaked men pulled out his wand and pointed it at Y/N

"NO!" Both myself and Y/N father's voices rang out a jet of red light hit one of the wings that was protecting Y/N's body bounced off and hit the enchanted ceiling causing it to flash lighting above us, but the nightmare wasn't over yet as the bold man and other Ministry of official dragged me away from the great hall something just as unexpected happened, fire erupted from behind the black leather wings and hit the bald man square in the chest making him fly across the room, I looked back to see Y/N was on her knees her back arched her body covered in the black glittering scales, her mouth was smoking, did she just breathe fire?

I took the chance to release myself while tired old wizard who had my other arm had loosed his grip and was conflicted to help his fellow officer, I sprinted towards Y/N who was now clucking at her throat struggling to breathe, I could see her chest was a light as if ready for a second round of flames, then I was blasted off my feet with such force I slammed hard against the wall Y/N's father had his wand out now



Y/N was on her feet now but it seems as if she could not carry the weight of her wings and she struggled once again to get past her father who was pushing her away, seeing her tear stricken face was tearing me apart, it took all three Aurors to pull me out of the great hall, I did no go quietly I screamed her name over and over as I could still hear her cry's even outside the castle walls,

"Mr Finley, kindly quite down the prisoner before his throat gets ripped out"

I knew that name it was one of the Rookwood's henchmen but why was he working as an auror?


I struggled to pulled myself away from the wizards but Finley struck me with the back of hand

"SHUT UP now stay quite or I will skull drag down the road now get up and move"

He grabbed by the back of the head pulled my head forward and dragged me down the road towards a carriage which would take me to my doom.

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