Chapter five, mending emotional wounds

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"No no no not again please stop" it was morning I had awoken to find myself in the girls bathroom in one of the cubicles I had spent all night in here hiding from the Gryffindor girls and had fallen asleep the memory of what happened once I enter the common room was torment, a few older Gryffindor boys had grouped together apparently awaiting my arrival they had circled around me were caressing my shoulders, trying to pull me closer by my wast had taunted me until I had pulled out my wand and screamed hysterically at them if they didn't back off I'd start hexing them all, this didn't work I had Fought my way out of the crowd and up to the girls dormitory and into the bathroom where I locked myself into one of the showers and cried myself to sleep however I had woken up to see that had bite marks and cuts all down my wrists and had attempted to try and stop the bleeding using toilet paper, I must of had an anxiety attack which made me forget the moments of punishment I put upon myself.

After removing the paper towel and attempting to casting a spell to remove the teeth marks and cut it hasn't worked as planned all though the bite marks were gone I had reopened the cuts and it had become difficult to stop the bleeding, panicking I unlock the door and move to the sink and tried cleaning as much blood of as possible under the cold water, I stared into the mirror in front of me I was pale and my eyes were quite blood shoot I looked down the cold water seemed to have done the trick I turned the tap off and leaned over the basin of the sink taking deep breaths in order to slow now heart rate back to normal, then without a second glance at the mirror I walked of the bathroom to change into fresh robes.

"Where have you've been?" Said Natty as I made my way down the stairs from the girls dormitory and into the common room "eh went to bed late and got up early you know gotta get a head start on the first day" Natty looked at me frowning " I didn't hear you come in the dormitory last night and your best is perfectly made are you still worried about what happened last night in the great hall because if you are I've had a word with the boys they won't be bothering you anymore or I'll be talking to Professor Weasley" she smiled as tapped the head girl badge on her chest "oh congratulations on becoming head girl" "thanks my mother was worried I would of jeopardised my chances of becoming head girl this year but was proud when I got my letter" she drew herself up proudly "she told me my father would of be proud as well anyway we should probably start heading to the great hall breakfast will shortly be over" we hurried out of the Portrait hole and down to the great hall.

The great hall was nearly empty except for a few sixth and seventh year students who had first period off and were having seconded servings of breakfast and some owls were eating with their owners or had just left to return to the owlery, I sat down at the Gryffindor table where Timothy who looked upset about something held out his leg "Thank Tim here" I put a piece of bacon in front of him, he clicked his beak but ate it quickly, I opened the piece of parchment to reveal my timetable "Charms first then double potions Ooo I get a free period after lunch then ending it all with double History of magic dame that's gonna be boring as well hopefully I'll have a good sleep in class" I folded the parchment and pocketed looking at Natty her Eagle owl had just flown away dropping bits of scrambled eggs as she read her own timetable "Charms, divination, double muggle students and double History of magic mmm well at least I can start the morning with something actually interesting" she said and started scooping mouth fulls of eggs into her mouth, I at my own plate and noticed both bacon and Timothy had gone "well I'll meet you in charms don't be late you've got 5 minutes" Natty picked up her bag and left running towards some Hufflepuff girls who was leaving the great hall, I stabbed a bit of sausage onto my plate and sighed, I wasn't really hungry it seemed now a days I had become less interested in eating food it was like this duo the summer except I had father's consent jabbering about wasting food and worry that I was unwell suggesting we should head to St mangoes but I had declined and forced myself to eat to keep him happy, I stood up giving up on the sausage I attempted to eat swung my bag over my shoulder and left the great hall to charms.

"Quickly now Y/L/N class it about to begin" I entered the charms class room with only a few seconds to spare all the seats were full except "there's an empty seat next to Shallow come on now i would like to start this very exciting lesson" Professor Ronen walked around his desk and addressed the rest of the class while I took my seat next to Sebastian "you always seem to have A knack of coming into classes late" I elbowed his shoulder smirking and pulling out my charms book out of my bag "gotta make a grand entrance somehow don't I" Sebastian snorted and attempted to cover it with a cough, smiling to myself I looked up at professor Ronen "today we will be continuing our lesson on the protective charm now get into pair and only using the simple spells on your opponents place we don't want anyone heading to the hospital wing on their first day now" everyone got up and got into pairs "well guess your stuck with me" said Sebastian as everyone had got into opposite sides of the room and were taking their position in front of a partner " excellent I need a Guinea pig to try a new hex on" Sebastian Grinned taking his position a few tables away from me and pulled out his wand, "now the right side of the room will be using the protective charm to shed their opponents spell and in turn once the shed has done it's job counter attack your opponent all got that right wands at the ready" I pointed my wand at Sebastian waiting "Three two one" at the count of one shouts and sparks of light shot from the left side of the class room Sebastian was hesitating, at first but at sent a spark of blue light towards me "Protego" a bubble shed surrounded me as the spell was deflected and hit a stack of book which toppled over "Glacius" I pointed my wand at Sebastian who blocked it " excellent work Shallow and Y/L/N keep at it" as I prepared myself for Sebastian's next spell I jet of red light hit my left arm "Shit sorry Y/L/N" my robes had started to ignite but I patted it down quickly leaving singes and a burning smell "Mr Prewett please be sure you are aiming at your own opponent and focus" said professor Ronen, Leander and his Ravenclaw friend both smirked at each other a private joke no doubt and continued defending one another's jinx's.

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