Lovers of the enemy , part two

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Sebastian's POV

The whole stadium was on their feet had they noticed both seekers rising skywards arms stretched out for the small golden ball, "I've gotcha now" I heard Church say next me as a bludger sped towards us and he hit it hard with his bat towards the seekers "NO" I cried but it was too late "You idiot" I pushed Church out of the way and zoomed closer to get a better view, Michael couldn't rise and higher and had retreated backwards to the team "SOMEONE STOP HER" he shouted "On it boss" Leonard circled the pitch awaiting another bludger but I zoomed in behind him grabbing his bat "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I didn't know exactly why I had stopped him but seeing him so determined to stop or even possibly harm Y/N made me feel sick and I shoved him but swung his bag and I ducked and it hit the bludger that was coming towards him, I watched as it went flying towards Y/N who was focused on getting the little golden ball in front of her still reaching out.

The bludger made full contact with her broom and it broke, she was falling she was screaming and falling, my instincts came into play and I leaned forwards on my broom towards the falling mass of red and gold fabric getting closer and closer to the ground she was falling to fast I wasn't going to make it, I took my hands off my broom and caught her before she hit the ground, we both crashed hard into the ground rolling on the grassy lawn my arms wrapped right around her body trying to protect her from the fall, at first I was filled with dread as I heard a loud crack and thought I had broken her neck while trying to catch her but instead she looked into my eyes breathing very fast it took me a while to realise I was on top of her my hands just above her head, I quickly got up and helped her to her feet, and released again that the crack had been my own ribs "are you alright?" I said holding my rib cage and wincing in pain, she nodded and looked down at her hand she was bleeding from her shoulder down but she rose it high into the air looking out into the crowd the golden snitch in her fingers tips, Gryffindor had won the match.

We were immediately sent to the hospital wing for treatment both on opposite sides of the room sitting on a bed waiting for the matron who had gone into her store cupboard to find an elixir for broken bones, Y/N had her Jersey off and her chest was wrapped in a soft cloth like material the top half of her body was exposed and I felt very hot in the face as I tried not to look at her, turns out when she hit the ground she scraped most of the skin off her left shoulder leaving raw skin and blood, she took a deep sigh and stared up at the ceiling I knew she was trying to avoid talking to me, "Alright Mr Sallow if you don't mind I'll need to see if there's any outside damage to your rib cage before giving you this" I took of my jersey and jumped as nurse Blainey poked me with her wand "ah yeah that'll bruise your lucky you didn't snap your neck boy" she handed me a small vile and I drank "you should be right to leave once I'm finished with Y/L/N" she walked away and went over to Y/N putting a damp cloth into a small dish of purple liquid which smoked slightly and nurse Blainey started dabbing at the wound "Ouch" she flinched as the cloth touched her skin accidentally snaking the nurses hand away from her "oh for merlins sake you do it then" she handed Y/N the cloth and sculpt away into her office, Y/N held the cloth tight then closed her eyes and pressed it against her skin "AH SHIT" she arched backwards on the bed breathing heavily, I couldn't watch any longer I slipped off the bed and walked towards her, "give it here" I said holding my hand out, she looked at me slightly surprised then handed me the cloth, I rinsed it out properly and held it over the exposed skin I could tell it burned but I knew from experience that it was the fastest way to help heal the skin "It hurts" she looked at the ceiling again trying to avoid eye contact and her legs began to shake, I put my hand over her right thigh not thinking "I know it hurts but your gonna have to hold still okay" she moved her head forwards and nodded bitting her lip trying to stifle another painful groan, "nearly done i promise" she grabbed my wrist as I removed the cloth away from her now healed shoulder "thank you" she whispered and she kissed my forehead, pretending that my head didn't feel like it was on fire I put the cloth back into the bowl and sat on the bed in front of her.

The Undercroft. Reader x SebastiansallowWhere stories live. Discover now