Chapter twelve, The purest magic

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The next morning I had woken up to a loud tapping noise, I put my pillow over my head and groaned, the sun light shining through the window was burning my eyes and the tapping noise was making my head pound, as the noise became louder I threw my pillow at the window and tapping stopped now I had nothing to shield my eyes I put my hands over my face and tried to get back to sleep, but before long to tapping noise returned "Ah all right all right I'm up bloody hell" I rolled out of bed and the instant I got to my feet I immediately felt my head spin I sat back down on my bed and held my head in my hands breathing, after a few seconds I regained some strength and got up and walked over to the window where a snowy owl was tapping it's beck a rolled up piece of parchment tied on its leg, I opened the window and it held out it's leg "eh thanks, who would be writing this early on a Saturday" I yawned untied the scroll of parchment off the owls leg and watched it take flight as I closed the window and dragged my feet back to my bed, I sat down and unrolled the piece of parchment my heart began to race as I instantly recommended the hand writing.


Come to the Undercroft as soon as you can, we need to talk.


I read the note four times before putting my face into my hands, why was I so nervous to see Sebastian? Why was my clenching and my heart pounding like this ? What happened last night, I closed my eyes trying to think by the only images were of Leander cornering in the dungeons a fight broke out and someone had been hurt, perhaps this is why Sebastian wanted to met with me to talk about last nights events, I got up slowly pulled on my robes and left the dormitory, heading for the Portrait hole the students in the common room all greeted me as I walked passed as I exited the room, after a few minutes I was outside the entrance to the Undercroft breathing heavily I had just released my hands were slightly shanking I had once again avoided eating but entered the Undercroft without a second thought.

"Oh good, you did get my note" I walked across the room towards Sebastian who had just stop pacing "why wouldn't I have gotten it?" Sebastian rubbed the back of his head "well after last night I thought you wouldn't want to me" I raised an eyebrow "why wouldn't I want to see you?" Sebastian looked slightly taken aback "wait you don't remember last night?" I leaden against the pillar thinking "well I remember the talking with Poppy and Garreth and Ominis eh I remember smacking Leander like a bitch mmm and if I recall a current some I know broken his ankle" Sebastian grind and move closer "Anything else?" He said as he leaned forward against the pillar in front of me his arm just above my head, I looked up at him pretending to think " let's see hmm nope nothing else" Sebastian drew closer to me his eyes not leaving my own "could help me tell me what else happened" Sebastian's smile widened and his hand was on my waist, the instant he hand made contact with my lower back I could feel my very blood flowing through my body and I face was set on his not wanting him to let go, "perhaps this will jog your memory" his lips were pressed against mine now and my body felt light and warm, I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer and our tongues met once again and a familia dance started, for a long time we stood embraced against the cold pillar, then a noise just outside the entrance of the undercroft made us both jumped "Sebastian are you down here?" Sebastian put his hand over my mouth and put a finger on his lips as Ominis walked across the room closer to pillar "I know someone's down here I blind not deaf" my face went red as I watch Sebastian think his hand still covering my mouth "eh yeah I'm in here just looking for something" Ominis stopped in his tracks, he was very close to the pillar now "right well I wanted to talk to you about last night" Sebastian looked confused "eh can it wait I'm kinda in the middle of something at the moment" he winked at me and I rolled my eyes "it's about Y/N I haven't heard from her since last night I was told you were last person see with her" Sebastian gritted his teeth "oh yeah I saw her this morning but she's just a bit tied up at the moment" I raised an eyebrow at him and he grinned at me "you know doing some schoolwork, I'll go check on her later I just need to finish up here" Ominis sighed "alright well as long as she's okay I think last night events shook her up a bit, I'll talk to you later" he walked away and left the room, Sebastian sighed in relief as he watched Ominis leave and looked back at me him hand still coving my mouth "what's that face for?" I bit his finger "Ooo kinky" he said removing his hands from my face and I folded my arms "so not going to tell your best pal about your little adventures in the shadows" I said playing with his tie "eh best keep this to ourselves for the time being until I can find a way to tell him" "yeah no I'm sure if you told Ominis your snogging your best friend he'll have a stroke" Sebastian laughed "ha probably would actually now that I think about it, now" he bowed stupidly and offered me his hand "will you do me the honour of accompanying me for a stroll around the castle grounds?" I rolled my eyes then smiling I took his hand and we left the undercroft together.

The Undercroft. Reader x SebastiansallowWhere stories live. Discover now