Chapter six, The try outs

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I opened my eyes to see both Ominis and Sebastian talking with one another "Wha- where am I" I leaned forward slightly holding my head it was aching "Woah easy there take it slow" Sebastian said gently putting a hand on shoulder and easing me back into the chair "Ominis who what? What happened?" Sebastian didn't answer he looked at Ominis as if to help him out in this situation "Well Sebastian said he fellow you into the bathroom and-" I know but why did I end up in the undercroft?" I looked at Sebastian who had gone bright red "I carried you here you said not to take you t the hospital wing, after you fainted in the bathroom I brought you here it seemed the safest place" he rubbed the back of his neck not looking at me, did I really faint I stared at him but no words could describe my appreciation my gratitude towards him instead I said softly "thank you Sebastian" he looked at me "well I couldn't leave you in there someone would of walked in and thought you'd die or something" I looked down at my wrists the blood had disappeared and the cuts now looked days old but my sleeves were still stained with blood and the singe marks from Leander's spell were still there, I took a deep breath and cover my face with my hands and said between my fingers tips "how long was I out?" "Third period will end very shortly" replied Ominis, I had missed out on double potions professor Sharp won't be impressed "What's next on your timetable?" Asked Sebastian grabbing his own out of his pocket "I've got a free period but I want to start on that charms homework" Sebastian put a finger down the page of his timetable "oh right after lunch that's when I'm going to the Slytherin quidditch try outs" Sebastian looked up from his timetable his face blushing "What?" I looked up at him " I didn't know Quidditch was unbanned when was this?" I said just as surprised as he was at mine and Ominis expression "last night there was a notice on the message bored that Quidditch had been unbanned" "and your going to try out?" Said Ominis his eyebrows raised a slight smile curling "yeah I think I might" he looked at me smiling "you gonna come cheer me on the that if your free?" Taken aback by this sudden invitation I stood up which was a terrible a such wave of pain reached the top of my head and I sat back down holding my throbbing head "eh let's not go right away maybe we can just relax get the blood back into veins yeah" Sebastian put his hand on my shoulder as I leaned forward I felt sick "Have you eaten at all" asked Ominis "No I haven't I.. I wasn't hungry" he looked concerned "Sebastian she can't possibly go anywhere if she hasn't eaten no wonder she fainted" Sebastian's face stiffened "I'll go and grab you something stay here" I watched his shoes run across the room and exit the undercroft while Ominis kelt down "how are you feeling?" He said his voice was no harsh it was quiet more human then his old harsh tones he gave myself and Sebastian when we were up to no good "Just feel sick that's all" but I knew that's not what meant by how are you feeling he wanted to know more information about what happened in the bathroom with Sebastian.

We sat in silence together Ominis flicking his wand at the wooden crates turning them into different animals for my amusement then Sebastian returned holding a plate of sandwiches and "Is that one of my shirts?" I asked as he handed it to me "yeah you can't go around the castle looking like you've been attacked by a grindylow" he was quite right my shirt was not only bloody but also soaked from the sleeves down it took my a while to release I was cold, taking the plate of sandwiches I started eating the first bite was like something warm had filled my stomach and spreads all through by body, once the plate was empty I stood up slowly this time my arms outstretched balancing slightly "better?" Ask Ominis "yeah loads better I'll take my robes thanks Sebastian" he pulled out my Gryffindor robes out of his bag and handed them to me "eh I'll go over there and change shall I" "oh right um we'll turn around" Sebastian forced Ominis around to face the opposite wall "I'm blind you idiot" he punched Sebastian hard in the shoulder "Fuck show some respect the lady is changing" laughing I took of my shirt and placed into my bag as I pulled on the freshly clean shirt I looked across the room at Sebastian, this was the second time I have been in the same room as him getting dressed he was standing looking at the walking swinging his arms stupidly as to entertain himself " all right you can look now" they turned around Sebastian was smiling "come on then wouldn't want to miss your try outs" I said and snatching my bag I ruffled both their hands and exited the Undercroft and headed to the open front doors to the Quidditch Pitch.

It's was breezy day as Sebastian and I set off for the pitch "so ya nerves?" Sebastian shrugged he looked determined and more focused "so eh how did you get my shirt from my dormitory more importantly how did you get into the common roo-" I didn't go into your dormitory I summoned it from the Gryffindor tower window and it came to me" "oh *cough* well thanks anyway" we continued our way to the pitch in silence, after wishing Sebastian good lucky I went to find a seat in the stadium and watched as some Slytherins marched onto the pitch.

A few of the Slytherins that were trying out were for a new chaser I watched a Sebastian and the other zoomed across the pitch passing the quaffle a large sizeed ball kinda like a soccer ball except it was red, Sebastian had taken the quaffle from a sixth year girl and had scored a goal on the other side "Yess" I punched the air then releasing he could see me I sat down quietly watching the rest of the try outs.

Soon the group of Slytherins who had came to try out for chasers left to head to the change rooms, I got up best wait for him to get back to see how it all went, I step down from the stadium and walked over to the change rooms to wait for Sebastian, few boy came out looking at me and smirked as they walked passed laughing, I rolled my eyes and approached the change room door "Sebastian are you still in there" I called out to him "yeah come in I'll only be a moment" I walked inside it was quite empty a few coat hangers and a blackboard with poorly rubbed out marks of what seemed to be a diagram of the pitch was in the middle of the room and there stood Sebastian who had just taken off his Quidditch shirt and was replacing it with his white button up shirt "eh" I swallowed hot in the face he looked taller and thinner however he was quite muscular and a large gash was visible on his chest, a fight perhaps the night his sister got cured. He finished button his shirt and looked at me noticing me staring silently "What? See Something you like?" he smirked watching me blush even more "Oh go fuck yourself" I snapped.

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