Fears in Flames, Part Three

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Sebastian's POV

I don't know when or how long I slept for but it mustn't been for long, I opened my eyes and saw the floating candles above me then my eyes feel on a smooth dark figure which was trembling, I sat up slightly realising what had awaken me, Y/N was shaking uncontrollably holding herself in a feral position whimpering, I leaned over her and stocked her hair out of her face, she was cold by also sweating, I felt her arm rises and fall her breathing quickening, even though her eyes were closed she seemed to be finding it difficult to open "Hey it's okay your safe" I reassured her stroking her hair but this didn't help in fact at my words she skin darkened and scales appeared then disappeared and reappeared five more times they vanished into her skin and returning before something unexpected happened, she was screaming, she screamed even louder then she did when I performed the Cruciatus curse on her, "no No no NO NO NO NO NO" she was crying tears fell down her face and she scream "Y/N?" I moved her in her back and wiped the tears off her face and I cupped her face hoping she wake up from my touch "Kil- e" "What?" More tears ran down her face as she muttered in her sleep "Kill me" she was begging "Kill me... kill me... KILL ME" I couldn't believe what I was hearing I didn't want to hear it, I started trembling "Wake up, your having a nightmare WAKE UP" I shook her head slightly out of panic, she didn't wake I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up in a sitting position her head hang back "shit Y/N WAKE UP PLEASE" I shock her again, a gasp a shudder and her eyes snapped opened.

It took a while for her to release where she was and what had happened because she suddenly scrambled in the bed sheet "Woo hey it's okay it's okay your safe" Y/N looked around then started at me "Wha? What? What happened?" "Night terrors a pretty bad one actually" she put a hand to her face and whipped the tears and sweat off her cheek "Oh... um I'm sorry" she bowed her head ashamed but I grabbed her shoulder and shook her even though she was wide awake "stop apologising and stop being ashamed I know you can't help it and I know you hate that you can't help having these nightmares" "I'm not apologising for that I'm apologising because... because" tears ran Down her face again and I could help but embrace her, I didn't care that she was cold I didn't care that her tears ran down my chest, all I wanted was to help her, to give her some sort of comfort, to make her understand that I could do anything to make theses night terrors go away "you don't have to tell me" she shook her head "I hate it I HATE having to feel to watch to think I'm reliving it all over again and again I hate it, I want it to stop, I want it to end, I... I" I held her tighter I knew what she was going to say even if she didn't say it but knowing that she would choose to end it all just because of her dreams made me feel sick and hopeless, it was Anne all over again except I had given Y/N my word not to go looking for a way to stop her dreams, and not having Y/N trust would ruin everything, "Please, please let me help you, we can find a way together please I hate knowing that you feel this way" she sniffed and shook her head again "if I knew how to stop it, if I knew there was a way to end the nightmares I would have you help me find it but I fear there is nothing... nothing that can be done" she looked up at me and brush my cheek with her hand which was surprisingly warm despite the rest of her body being practically freezing "I love that you care so much Sebastian, but this is just something that can't be helped" my heart suddenly ached when I heard the word love come out of her mouth and the fact she had said my name in the same sentence maybe it also skip a few beats, I took her hand and removed it from my face and pressed my lips on them.

We sat in front of each other our heads pressed against one another our eyes closed, i felt Y/N breathing calming down more and more as we sat in silence our hands intertwined, half of me wanted to lay back down and fall back asleep and the other knew I had to stay awake and alert, if felt a sudden vibration through the air as Y/N starting humming, it was the same humming sound she made when I came down to the Undercroft, she sounded so beautiful yet so sad the melody didn't sound familiar neither, perhaps she made it up, her sweet song lifted my heart filled my very soul then she became silent, and removed herself from me, at the moment I remembered "Ah shit" I smacked myself on the forehead with my palm ignoring Y/N face at my sudden random act,

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