Chapter 102

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As promised, the following day Demi took Tyra and I over to her house (pic above) to show us around. Well, to show Tyra around but to show me properly; considering what happened the last time I was here. Tyra walked around in awe at the size of the place, she loved how big and open it was. Being the curious teenage girl she is, Trya asked Demi all kinds of questions and Demi happily answered them all.

We were currently sat finishing up lunch we ordered in the living room of Demi's house, when there was a rather loud and obnoxious knock on the front door. Demi and I shared a confused but shocked look before she got up and went to answer it. I kept on ear out on what was being said and when I didn't like where it was going, I turned to Tyra, "Honey, I need you do exactly as I say okay, can you do that for me?" I say carmly. "Yeah Mama." Was her reply and I led her quietly up the back stairs. I led her to one of the small bathrooms and took her inside, "Okay, I'm gunna need you to stay in here and stay quiet. Have you got your phone on you?" I ask and she hands it to me.

I quickly input the numbers of Damian and Sheamus, saving them in the process. I put her phone on silent and hand it back, "Sweetie, I've added Damian's and Ste's numbers okay. I need you to message them and tell them to come to Demi's house, to hurry but to stay quiet and hidden until they're needed. It's on vibrate so please keep it that way until I come get you." I tell her firmly. I pull her into a hug before whispering, "Lock the door behind me and don't open it for any reason. Only open it if and when you hear me call you peanut." I feel her nod and pull back, placing a kiss on her forehead before leaving; hearing the door lock behind me.

As I walk back down the back stairs, I hear Demi shouting and a handful of voices yelling back. I didn't recognise any of the scents at first but I knew not all of them were human as I got closer and before anyone saw me, I hid not far from them. I whispered lowly so only Demi could hear me, "Tyra is safe for now, Damian and Sheamus should be on their way. Be careful Demi, some of those people are not human." I knew I wouldn't get a response back but she needed to know. 

I would never forget reading about different supernatural creatures and what to look out for. It was engrained into my brain from a young age because some supernatural beings have evil basically built into their DNA and while some try to be good, there's not enough of them. With that being said though, everyone has the potential to be good but not all chooses to be.

I also never forget a scent, so I took a moment to try and see if I could tell what the none human were. The first scent that stood out was sickly sweet, which led me to believe vampire but it was the middle of the day. How could there be a vampire here, then I sensed some kind of powerful magic. All witches, wizards and sorcerers, no matter the kind had the same flowery scent to them and I didn't smell anything like that. Then it clicked, some kind of daylight protection magic so at least one of them was a vampire.

The next scent was earthy, automatically satyr came to mind. Always being close to nature, satyrs developed a natural earthy smell that they could use sort of like pheromones at will; by doing this, they could seduce any human, nymphs and most other supernatural beings.

The third scent I noticed was almost fishy, making me think of mermaids. Spending most of their time in water - mainly salt water - mermaids, much like satyrs, develops a fish-like scent that's only noticable by people with enhanced sense of smell; which only some supernatural creatures have.

The forth and final scent that was present other than human, smelt like a smoldering fire. My eyes widened, 'It couldn't be could it' I thought. The only supernatural creature that had a scent like that was supposed to have been hunted to extinction over a thousand years ago. A dragon hybrid shouldn't exist but here I was smelling one. Dragons were known to be beautiful, serpentine or lizard-like creatures that varied in size and shape that had the ability to shapeshift into enchanting humans to reproduce with mankind but make no mistake, all could breathe fire; no matter their form. It was because of said fire burning in their bellies, that they developed a smoky scent.

While Demi and I were in human form we smelt like humans that owned dogs but still, we had to be careful. So I let her know, "Dems whatever you do, do not shift and don't react to what I'm about to tell you." I whisper before continuing, "Four of the six people infront of you are not human. One is a vampire, one is saytr, one is merperson and one is a dragon hybrid. If you can, get them all inside and the front door closed but stay in the entrance hall." I know vampires have enhanced hearing but because Demi and I were fused with Kaida; the most powerful elemental spirit, we can hear at an almost inaudible level.

I hear them all enter the house and the front door close as the yelling continued. I sneak back to the living room and pull out my phone. Silencing it as a message from Damian comes through, telling me they were park a couple houses down; ready and waiting.

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