SCW Tuesday Night Reload Ep.17 part 3

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We cut to the interim SCW Untied States Champion Johnny Gargano who is currently in the ring waiting on his opponent for his SCW Untied States Championship Open Challenge. After waiting a few moments a theme music plays.

It was "The Modern Day Wrestling God" Baron Corbin. A former WWE Untied States Champion and now looking to become Untied States Champion in SCW as well. Once he gets in the ring David starts the introductions.

David: The Following contest is set for one fall... (Crowd: ONE FALL!) ...and it is for the SCW UNTIED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, The Challenger, from Kansas City, weighing in at 285 lbs, "THE MODERN DAY WRESTLING GOD" BARON CORBIN!

The crowd rain down boos at Corbin as David continues.

David: And his opponent, from Cleveland Ohio, weighing in at 199 lbs, He is the Interim SCW Untied States Champion. JOHNNY GARGANO!

The crowd has already chosen their favorite as the cheer were Thunderous for Johnny Gargano. The then raised the belt before the bell rings and the match begins. Johnny starts by trying to hit a Jumping DDT but Baron catches him and rams him into the corner before attempts a clothesline but Gargano dodges and lands a few punches on Corbin before Corbin responses with a big punch of his own. He then whips Gargano into the ropes and tries multiple times to hit him has he runs the ropes but the interim champion isn't backing down as he hits a hurricanrana on Corbin but he bounces off the rope so Gargano hits a dropkick but Corbin bounces off the ropes again and this hits a Big Boot on Gargano.

Corbin gets Johnny in the corner and starts landing punch after punch as the crowd start chanting "Bumass Corbin" but he pays the crowd no attention as he whips Johnny into the opposite corner who flips over the ring post and land on the ring apron. Corbin then picks up Gargano and hits his signature Chokeslam Backbreaker.

 Corbin then picks up Gargano and hits his signature Chokeslam Backbreaker

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He then goes for cover on Gargano.




Corbin was disappointed, clearly thinking that the ref was counting too slow but he gets in the assault as he tries to hit a running Powerslam in the champion but Johnny slips out and elbow Corbin in the face. Corbin tries to retaliate but Gargano throws through the middle ropes and as Baron tries to get back in, Johnny dropkicks him through the middle rope. He then tries to hit a high flying move on Corbin but he gets back in the ring as Johnny jumps onto the apron. So he headbutt Corbin in the gut and tries to hit the One Final Beat DDT but Corbin punches him clean in the face while he was in mid-air sending Gargano crashing to the floor. Corbin then goes to the outside himself and Chokeslam Gargano into the Barricade!

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