SCW Tuesday Night Reload Episode 21 Part 5

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The camera cut to Jack, Ace, Nathan running to the parking lot. The three bump into Cody, Colt, Gura, Paragon and Ringmaster.

Gura: Hey, Wait!

Jack: Can't slow down! We got an angry fromer champion after us!

Ringmaster: Ok what the hell did you 3 just do?!

Nathan: Duh! Can't you see? Ace is JWF HBO Champion!

Paragon: Well congrats, you plan worked so now what?

Ace: I'll be honest, I didn't think Super would answer so we didn't plan that far ahead. Right now we're just living in the moment.

The three then get in a car with Jack driving before the see John across the lot.

Ace: GO! GO!

Jack then speed off as John get to where they were. He then throw a traffic cones in an attempt to hit the car but fails. He then turns to the rest of the Devil's Ammunition.

John: If you find your friends before I do, tell them I'm getting my title back sooner rather than later!

John then walks off angrily. Before Cody then tells Paragon and Ringmaster.

Cody: Just keep Gura safe. Can I trust you two?

Paragon: I'm the Paragon for a reason, of course we can.

Ringmaster: Trust us. Whatever "Spooky Jay" has planned to do with Gura, it won't happen.

Gura: But what about you Colt.

Colt: Simple. I'm only there as an insurance policy. In case Jay pulls something.

Cody: Ya. As long as these two do their job, you'll be fine.

The camera then cuts to the commentary team.

Excalibur: Corey, I'm sure you are also why is Cody being protective of Gura.

Corey: Well yes I am also wondering that, let not forget the history of Stunning Jay and Gura. That is perhaps a factor.

Excalibur: Well Cody and Stunning Jay will main event tonight in a Green Bay Street Fight.

Excalibur: Well Cody and Stunning Jay will main event tonight in a Green Bay Street Fight

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Excalibur: But right now. Let's head down to the ring with "The Host" Greg Hamilton.

Greg: Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome. The Interim SCW United States Champion, JEFFERSON HART!

Corey: Jefferson Hart looks ready to go tonight as he tweeted that tonight he'a bringing back the SCW United States Championship Open Challenge.

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