SCW Tuesday Night Reload Episode 21 Part 4

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Corey: We are back here live on SCW Reload and earlier today Ace Sniper sent out a tweet challenging any one from JWF to come out and face him.

Corey: We are back here live on SCW Reload and earlier today Ace Sniper sent out a tweet challenging any one from JWF to come out and face him

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Corey: When ask why, he said "I can't let everyone else have all the fun, why not join in the SCW VS JWF warfare"

Excalibur: This wouldn't be the first time Ace fought a JWF superstar, Him and Nathan battle Steiner Row on Final Judgement.

Corey: And now he wants to continue. So let's see who answers.

The crowd waits before this theme plays.

The crowd is unfamiliar with the music that is playing but before the music kicks in a name appears in the titantron.

The crowd is unfamiliar with the music that is playing but before the music kicks in a name appears in the titantron

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The crowd pops as the man comes through the curtain.

The crowd pops as the man comes through the curtain

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Corey: It's John Super!

Excalibur: A member of The JWF Pre-Show panel and the current JWF HBO Champion!

Greg: This match is set one fall, making his way to the ring, from Orlando Florida, weighing in at 265 lbs, he is the JWF HBO CHAMPION! JOHN SUPER!

Corey: Two words Ace. Good Luck!

Before the match starts, John tells something to the referee who then tells Greg. After getting confirmation he make the announcement.

Greg: Ladies and Gentlemen, I've just been informed, as per John Super's request. This match is now for the JWF HBO Champion!

Excalibur: Woah! John Super shows his gutty nature.

Corey: The confidence is flowing through his veins. If there was a time that Ace needs to let the fire in him out. Now is the time!

The referee signals for the bell, and the match is officially underway! Both wrestlers cautiously circle each other, trying to anticipate their opponent's next move. Ace Sniper goes in for a quick jab, but John Super ducks just in time and counters with a fierce clothesline! Ace Sniper hits the mat hard, but he quickly rebounds and delivers a devastating dropkick to John Super's chest!

The crowd is going wild as these two warriors trade blow after blow in the center of the ring. Ace Sniper locks John Super in a tight headlock, but John Super manages to power out and hoists Ace Sniper onto his shoulders. Could this be it? John Super is setting up for his signature finishing move, the Super-Bomb!

But wait, Ace Sniper wriggles out of John Super's grasp and lands a lightning-fast superkick right on the mark! John Super stumbles back, dazed and confused, as Ace Sniper seizes the opportunity and sets John up for the Deep Impact Powerbomb. He kicks John in the gut and connects

 He kicks John in the gut and connects it!

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Ace then goes for the cover.






No one, could believe it! Not even Ace who quickly rolls out the ring, as John get up after realizing what happened! Jack takes the belt from the referee before giving it to Ace as they along with Nathan hightail it out of there! John Super who's now pissed, gives chase to the three as the show cuts to a break.

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