SCW Tuesday Night Reload Episode 19 Part 4

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We cut to Nathan and Ace walking back to their locker room after Nathan lost his spot at the Hardcore Gauntlet match. As they walk back we hear a voice.

???: Well, Well, Well. Isn't this a familiar sight.

That's when two people walk into the frame!

That's when two people walk into the frame!

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It was Alex Steiner and Bron Breakker, known to the wrestling world as Steiner Row

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It was Alex Steiner and Bron Breakker, known to the wrestling world as Steiner Row. They have quite the history with Ace and Nathan.

Alex: It usually ends with one of you two looking at the lights.

Nathan: At least we've done more than you. Like seriously, WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN!

Bron: Well in case you're blind, I have become NXT Tag Team Champion.

Ace: Ya, with someone that isn't Alex right here. So maybe this whole Steiner Row thing is gonna end REAL SOON!

That line makes Alex and Bron pissed as they get up on Ace and Nathan faces, of course those two don't back down and get into their faces as they argue. Eventually security comes and separates the two teams as Mr.UCS754 comes to the situation says this.


All four men accept as the camera cuts to the arena as we hear a very familiar theme..

Greg: The following contest is a Pick Your Poison match set for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by Chris Shadows, representing The Union, from Barcelona Spain, weighing in at 277 lbs, He is the JWF GALAXY CHAMPION! VICTOR GARCIA!

Victor fist bumps Chris who walks backstage as Victor walks to deal with Dario's pick by himself! After what he pulled with Rey Mysterio. He beat be ready who Dario has in store. That's when the light goes out and we see two men standing on the stage.

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