SCW Tuesday Night Reload episode 18 part 3

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The camera cuts to The Devil's Ammunition arguing. Mainly Ace and Jack arguing about if Bullet Club is back or not. That when Cody's voice is heard.

Cody: QUITE!

The All-Star then walks into the frame.

Cody: Look I don't have time for this, I have things I have to prepare so just focus on the match and whether or not Bullet Club is back. We are gonna have a long talk after.

Cody then walks away as the camera fades to the arena.

Excalibur: Love or hate him Cody knows how to get his group's shit together.

Corey: Indeed and while we are on the subject of group, the first of Yugoslavia's debut matches is about to start at Luka and Rade take on The Crist Brothers.

David: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first representing oVe, at a combined weight of 393 lbs Jake and Dave Crist, THE CRIST BROTHERS!

Excalibur: One of the teams that excels in brutality and when they see everything as again them. It's not hard to see why.

Corey: Well that is true but their opponents tonight also excel in brutality so we are in for anarchy tonight gentlemen.

David: And their opponents Representing Yugoslavia, at a combined weight of 476 lbs. LUKA VUKOVICH and RADE MILKOVICH!

Corey: These 2 men were apart of Yugoslavia, a faction that was a destructive force in WWE and now they are back ready to bring it SCW!

Wade: And unfortunately the first victim, are the The Crist Brothers of oVe so while they plan to bring the power to SCW their first task is no push over.

Excalibur: Let's not forget that the other two members of Yugoslavia are also in action as Dario Ivanonoski and Dragan Filipovic are also in singles action here tonight so let's see if Luka and Rade can startd things off on the right foot here tonight.

The bell ring as Jake Crist and Luka Vukovich step into the ring as the legal men. Jake charges forward, looking to gain an early advantage. He quickly ducks underneath Luka's attempted clothesline, executing a lightning-fast dropkick sending Luka sprawling on the canvas!

Luka struggles to get up, but Jake grabs him by the hair, hoisting him back to his feet. Jake tags in his brother, Dave Crist, as Dave climbs to the top rope and launches himself into the air, connecting with a breathtaking missile dropkick right to Luka's chest!

As Luka tries to crawl towards his corner, Rade Milkovich reaches out, begging for the tag. But Dave Crist refuses to let go of his prey! He drags Luka back to the center of the ring and locks him into a tight headlock. Dave applies the pressure, yanking on Luka's neck, trying to wear him down.

But wait! Rade Milkovich bursts into the ring, breaking up the hold! The referee quickly intervenes, ordering Rade to return to his corner. Rade reluctantly retreats, but the damage has been done. Luka manages to escape Dave's clutches, desperately lunging towards his corner, inch by inch.

Just as Luka is about to make the tag, Dave Crist grabs his leg, pulling him back into his team's corner. The Crist brothers are relentless in their assault, isolating Luka and cutting off any hope of escape. They take turns stomping and pummeling Luka, dishing out punishment from every angle.

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