SCW Tuesday Night Reload Episode 21 Part 2

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Excalibur: Well that was an interesting start to Reload, welcome everyone, I am Excalibur joined as always by Corey Graves and Corey, what main event we got.

Corey: An explosive start as we just saw and now it will be resolved. Johnson, Jay, In a Green Bay Street Fight Tonight!

Excalibur: Also tonight we have a SCW Women's Championship as Rosemary takes on Ember Moon for the Championship

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Excalibur: Also tonight we have a SCW Women's Championship as Rosemary takes on Ember Moon for the Championship.

Corey: And speaking of Champions, our United States Champion Jefferson Hart is already putting his championship on the line in an Open Challenge

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Corey: And speaking of Champions, our United States Champion Jefferson Hart is already putting his championship on the line in an Open Challenge.

Corey: And speaking of Champions, our United States Champion Jefferson Hart is already putting his championship on the line in an Open Challenge

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Corey: And keeping to the Champions subject! Here comes the world champion!

Greg: The following contest is an SCW World Heavyweight Championship Eliminator match! Introducing first from Leominster, Massachusetts, weighing in at 270 lbs. He is the SCW World Heavyweight Champion! DOMINIK DIJAKOVIC!

Excalibur: Dominik Dijakovic, fresh off a title defense against Seth Rollins is now ready to get at least one target off his back.

Corey: It would sure help out especially when everyone wants the big prize!

Greg: And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 207 lbs, RICOCHET!

Corey: And here comes the highlight of the night! Looking to capitalize with a future SCW World Heavyweight Championship Match.

Excalibur: But in order to do that, he's gotta take down the world champ first, Dominik Dijakovic. Easier said than done.

The bell rings, and the match is underway! Dijakovic and Ricochet lock eyes, both determined to walk away victorious tonight. They cautiously circle each other in the ring, sizing up their opponent. Suddenly, Dijakovic charges at Ricochet with a massive clothesline, but Ricochet ducks just in time, narrowly avoiding the attack!

Ricochet quickly bounces off the ropes and executes a lightning-fast dropkick, stunning Dijakovic! The crowd erupts as Ricochet starts to build momentum, landing a series of quick punches and kicks on his larger opponent. But Dijakovic is not one to be underestimated, as he grabs Ricochet and hoists him into the air with a devastating military press slam!

 But Dijakovic is not one to be underestimated, as he grabs Ricochet and hoists him into the air with a devastating military press slam!

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The impact shakes the ring as Ricochet crashes onto the mat, struggling to regain his composure. Dijakovic sees an opportunity and goes for his signature move, Feast Your Eyes! He lifts Ricochet up, but Ricochet miraculously counters with a jaw-dropping hurricanrana, sending Dijakovic crashing to the canvas!

Both competitors are down, giving it their all in this intense battle. Ricochet slowly climbs to the top turnbuckle, daring to go for broke. With the crowd on their feet, Ricochet leaps off the ropes and goes for a 630, but Dominik catches him and hits Feast Your Eyes!

 With the crowd on their feet, Ricochet leaps off the ropes and goes for a 630, but Dominik catches him and hits Feast Your Eyes!

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Dominik then goes for the cover.




Greg: Here is your winner, DOMINIK DIJAKOVIC!

Dominik gets the dominant win, continuing to prove all the doubters wrong and showing that he belongs in the World Title scenes. Suddenly a new theme plays...

We hear a pop from the crowd as they not only for who it is but what's going to happen as the man steps through the curtain.

We hear a pop from the crowd as they not only for who it is but what's going to happen as the man steps through the curtain

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It's the JWF Supreme Champion Jason Styles, and he is looking dead at Dominik as he walks towards the ring. He then gets in and only says this to Dominik.

Jason: You think ready for the big time? If you really wanna play this game, you gotta be in my league. And I am going to show you that, sooner or later.

The crowd oohs as we have a new potential match to look forward to as the show cuts to a break.

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