SCW Tuesday Night Reload Episode 19 Part 3

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We cut to a dark room filled with purple lighting. From the darkness walks out Judgement Day's Aiden Ryker.

Aiden: Allow me to bring you all up to speed, I am the start of SCW's Judgement Day. See for the last week, my synapses have been firing at such a rapid degree that I have finally deciphered the code of what his business has become. Which is all above your ability to understand because you all are too simple, but it's not your fault so I will grant you all mercy. However I do not grant mercy too is Drew McIntyre. Part of the reason why this business is in the way it's in is because people like him. And at Final Judgement, I will take that United States Championship and expose him for the fraud that he is. Then everyone will rise for the Judgement Day!

Aiden smirks as he cuts backstage to see someone was watching from backstage. It was Aiden's mother, Beth Phoenix and she wasn't happy but what she saw as Renee walked up to her.

Renee: Beth, I see that you are not happy with what you just saw, does that in any way affect you.

Beth: On a personal level, yes but I can't let that get in the way of what I'm here to do. Saving my son will come later, but for now all my focus is on Rosemary and th-

Suddenly she got jumped by Rosemary and MK Ultra. The trio assault Beth Phoenix before ending it with a whip into the production crate. Rosemary then bends down to Beth's level and speaks.

Rosemary: Your son should be your greatest concern, but it insist on making the mistakes of challenging me for my SCW Women's Championship then I accept...

Rosemary then looks to camera and says one word.


The camera cuts to the arena as music begins to play.

Greg: The following is a last chance Hardcore Gauntlet Qualifying match! Introducing first from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 175 lbs. He is currently one half of the AEW Tag Team Champions, DARBY ALLIN!

Darby stakeboards down to the ring, preparing for one last shot at the SCW Hardcore Gauntlet match at Final Judgement to become the first SCW Hardcore Champion. But he has to get past three other men to pass to do it.

Greg: And his opponent first, representing #DIY, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, weighing in at 201 lbs. TOMASSO CIAMPA!

Losing to Edge in the first match of this whole thing. Tomasso Ciampa is more ready than everyone to fight his way into the SCW Hardcore Gauntlet!

Greg: Next representing the Blackpool Combat Club, from Lucerne, Switzerland, weighing at 232 lbs, CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI!

If anyone in this match knows how to get violent it's Claudio, and man who hits hard on his own, but throw weapons into the mix and it's not going to end well for Ciampa, Allin, or this final man.

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