SCW Tuesday Night Reload Episode 21 Part 3

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Excalibur: Welcome back to Tuesday Night Reload and it's time for some Tag Team action.

Greg: The Following contest is a Tag Team match set for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by Dario Ivanovski and Dragan Filipovic, at a total combined weight of 476 lbs. Luka Vukovich and Rade Milkovich, YUGOSLAVIA!

Corey: Correction, it's time for another slaughter. When ever Yugoslavia is in the ring. You know it's about be chaos.

Excalibur: Definitely Corey, Yugoslavia have been unstoppable ever since reuniting and coming to SCW and they appear to not be stopping anytime soon.

Corey: And here comes that sacrificial lambs.

Greg: And their opponents, accompanied by Evil Uno, at a total combined weight of 374 lbs. John Sliver and Alex Reynolds. DARK ORDER!

Excalibur: Trust me Corey, I have seen the Dark Order ever since they arrived in AEW and believe me when I say they are no pushover.

Corey: Yea, but pushover or not, Yugoslavia doesn't care. They will pick you apart from limb to limb.

The bell rings, and here we go! Luka Vukovich starts off against John Sliver. Vukovich quickly takes control with a series of swift punches and a powerful clothesline that sends Sliver crashing to the mat. Vukovich tags in Milkovich, and they execute a perfectly timed double suplex on Sliver, leaving him writhing in pain.

But wait, Alex Reynolds rushes into the ring, looking to level the playing field! He goes straight for Milkovich, but Milkovich dodges and hits him with a thunderous spinebuster! The crowd is on their feet as Milkovich signals for the Milkovich Slam!

But Sliver comes to his partner's aid, grabbing Milkovich from behind. However, Vukovich is not one to stand idly by! He leaps off the top rope with a diving crossbody, taking out both Sliver and Reynolds! The fans are loving this non-stop action!

Vukovich and Milkovich now have the upper hand, working together in perfect harmony. They isolate Reynolds in their corner, keeping him away from his partner. Vukovich hits a devastating powerbomb, while Milkovich follows up with a standing moonsault! The cover – 1, 2, but Sliver breaks up the pin just in time!

The referee is struggling to maintain control as all four wrestlers are now in the ring, chaos ensues. Vukovich and Milkovich regain the momentum, setting up their finishing move Rade lifts Alex high into the air, and Luka grabs the advantage and crashes Alex down! Rise and Fall connects. Rade goes for the cover.




Greg: Here are you winners. Rade Milkovich and Luka Vukovich! YUGOSLAVIA!

Excalibur: A great effort from Dark Order but Yugoslavia dominance continues.

Corey: Ya. There is no team that can possibly stop them.

Suddenly this theme plays.

The crowd oohs as Ace and Nathan walk out accompanied by Jack walk out. Surely enough Ace, Nathan, Luka, and Rade lock eyes with each other. Dario and Jack tell their side to not worry about them for now. Both teams oblige and continue walking as Ace is set for singles action with the show cutting to a break.

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