SCW Tuesday Night Reload Episode 20 Part 3

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We come back to see footage from earlier in the day. Renee is in the parking lot as a limousine has just arrived at the arena.

Renee: I am currently here where Cody Johnson has seemed to have arrived at the arena and I am hoping to get a word with him about what happened earlier this week.

And out comes Cody Johnson with not only the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship but the LAW World Heavyweight Championship that he became the inaugural champion at LAW Prison Break. But it's just him, why? Well he's keeping his end of the deal. As he told Bryan that he will be alone for the main event soon Renee walks over to him.

Renee: Excuse me Cody, earlier this week you and your podcast co-host Jeremy appeared on the Jay & Grace show and things got pretty heated between you two. However before you could attack Jay, he whispered something into your ear. Would you care to explain what he said.

Cody sighed but responded.

Cody: I don't want to repeat what he said as it puts one of my friends in danger. But all I'll say is that it's promise that he can't keep.

Cody keeps walking as the show cuts back to the Excalibur and Corey.

Excalibur: A promise he ca- what does that mean.

Corey: Don't look at me, I'm just as confused as you!

Excalibur: Hopefully we will get more details soon enough but as you saw it is just Cody Johnson and that is because in our main event The Devil's Ammunition is banned from ringside as Cody looks to get back the JWF Thunder Championship from The American Dragon Bryan Danielson.

Excalibur: Hopefully we will get more details soon enough but as you saw it is just Cody Johnson and that is because in our main event The Devil's Ammunition is banned from ringside as Cody looks to get back the JWF Thunder Championship from The A...

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We then go back to the arena feed before hearing this music.

The crowd cheers for the SCW Tag Team Champions, The Motor City Machine Guns. They are back and ready to resume their winning ways as Tag Team Champions. They sent out a social media message earlier in the day saying that they are holding an open challenge for the SCW Tag Team Championships. They soon enter the ring and wait for the challengers to walk out. That's when this is played.

Corey: Excalibur, Business just picked up.

Excalibur: As when the Undisputed Bloodline is here. But the question is, who from the team is it going to be?

Just when Excalibur asked that these two walk out.

Just when Excalibur asked that these two walk out

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The ROH World Championship Kevin Owens and The WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn are here, and what can be assumed by orders of the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns, are ready to bring more titles to the Undisputed Bloodline

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The ROH World Championship Kevin Owens and The WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn are here, and what can be assumed by orders of the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns, are ready to bring more titles to the Undisputed Bloodline. The two get in the ring as we start the introductions.

Greg: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall! (Crowd: ONE FALL!) And it is for the SCW Tag Team Championship! Introducing first the challengers, representing the Undisputed Bloodline, at a combined weight of 478 lbs, THE ROH WORLD CHAMPION KEVIN OWENS AND THE WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION, SAMI ZAYN!

Despite them not being a full on SCW team, they get a huge reaction from the crowd.


The crowd cheer for the champions before they hand their belts.

The match begins with Kevin Owens and Chris Sabin squaring off in the center of the ring. Owens quickly takes control with a series of powerful strikes, but Sabin counters with a lightning-fast dropkick that sends Owens reeling. Sabin tags in Alex Shelly, and the Machine Guns execute a perfectly synchronized double team move, slamming Owens to the mat with a devastating double suplex!

Owens struggles to his feet and tags in Sami Zayn, who enters the ring like a whirlwind, unleashing a flurry of strikes on Shelly. Zayn goes for a clothesline, but Shelly ducks under and hits a picture-perfect superkick that sends Zayn crashing to the mat. Shelly tags in Sabin, and the Machine Guns work together seamlessly, executing a double team DDT that leaves Zayn stunned on the canvas.

As the match progresses, the action spills out of the ring, with all four competitors battling fiercely on the outside. Owens hoists Sabin up for a powerbomb, but Sabin counters with a hurricanrana that sends Owens crashing into the steel ring post! Meanwhile, Shelly and Zayn are trading stiff chops and kicks, each refusing to back down.

Back in the ring, Sabin goes for his signature Cradle Shock finisher on Zayn, but Zayn counters into a jaw-dropping Blue Thunder Bomb! Zayn goes for the cover, but Shelly breaks up the pin just in time. The crowd is on their feet, the energy in the arena is electrifying!

The match reaches its climax as all four competitors are exhausted but determined to emerge victorious. The Motor City Machine Guns rally together, hitting a combination of superkicks and high-flying dives that leave Owens and Zayn staggering. Sabin gets Zayn in the Neckbreaker, while Shelly climbs to the top turnbuckle and soars through the air, connecting with Skull and Crossbones that drives the wind out of Zayn's lungs!

 Sabin gets Zayn in the Neckbreaker, while Shelly climbs to the top turnbuckle and soars through the air, connecting with Skull and Crossbones that drives the wind out of Zayn's lungs!

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The referee counts the pin




Greg: Here are your winners and STIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLL, SCW Tag Team Champions, Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin THE MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS!

The reign continues for Alex and Chris and you have to wonder. Who can stop them?

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