SCW Tuesday Night Reload Ep.17 Part 4

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We cut to a to the door of the Devil's Ammunition personal locker room as Jack enters the shot as he knocks in the door, holding the contract that Cody and Jay need to sign for the JWF Thunderous Championship match to take in the main event. He knocks on the door and we see Shane McMahon answer.

Shane: Jack? What's going o-

Jack: Shane look. I know this is very confusing but as JWF chairman. I am allowing the JWF Thunderous Championship match to happen when Cody and Jay sign this contract that I have, so I have it here but when please tell Cody not to sign it right no-

???: Oh there you go again..

Cody then enters the shot.

Cody: Here you go again calling the shots! Just you did with accepting the war.

Jack: Cody look. It may looks that way but it's not. Just don't si-

Cody then takes the contract out of Jack hands and signs it and gives it match to him making Cody vs Jay offcial. Before he re-enters the locker room he says to Jack.

Cody: Don't be at ringside for the main event.

Shane and Cody enter the locker room, leaving Jack alone. But suddenly Jack take out a phone and calls someone.

Jack: The plan is in motion, while not in the way we wanted. You know what to do.

Suddenly the camera cuts to a dark room with a dimly lit light. That when a Dario Ivannoski enters the shot

Dario: There was a time before men existed, that time our world evolved to what we are now, and so did our forms of entertainment. Wrestling. And there are many forms, strong style, high flyer, technician and etc. many countries have developed the love, but it’s usually the big and more known ones. But they didn’t know that our countries shared this interest and wanted to join, but we were shoved and pushed away and uninvited. Treated like animals each and all of us. But now the time has come, we have awoken from our slumbers and have started a rebellion! A rebellion set to change the pace and ways of wrestling, a rebellion where the unknown and forgotten ones rise from the age of nevermore! Our time has come to take wrestling like a hurricane drawing near, we’ll leave a wreckage of destruction-

Suddenly Luka Vukovich enters the shot.

Luka: Carnage-

Rade Milkovich then enters.

Rade: Free violence-

And finally Dragan Filipovich enters.

Dragan: Hell will be unleashed.

Luka: No more are we going to sit around and be shoved around. When push comes to shove we shove our oppressors harder. We don’t listen to nonsense, we don’t take orders from nobodies that don’t wish to follow what we’re chasing after.

Rade: Some say we chase after lies, but no… we chase after the true meaning of this sport, searching for the light that we call wrestling. No one can stop us! We’ll do what we want because these are our lives!

Dragan: In order to cement our legacies to the top we need to sacrifice and we made a lot of sacrifices to make it this far. Our families, brethren and homelands all bid us and wished us well but deep inside their hearts and souls they miss us. But we’ll not come back until we make them proud of us

Dario: To be more than a conqueror we have to learn to enjoy the pain, if we wanna survive this “game”. We’ll play whatever is on the menu, but we do it on our own terms because we’re NOTHING like you all! Because we are-

Dario, Luka, Rade, and Dragan: THE ONES!

Dario: We are out for-

Dario, Luka, Rade, and Dragan: BLOOD!

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