SCW Tuesday Night Reload Ep.17 Part 2

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We cut backstage to see Mr.UCS754 talking to Jay backstage.

Mr.UCS754: Look Jay I know you want it but we can not have the match.

Jay: WHY! I may hate the guy but I am trying to knock some sense into him so just make the damn match official!

Mr.UCS754: We can't unless we have premission from JWF Chairman himse-

Jack: The match can happen....

The two turn to see Jack McMahon beside them.

Jack: No I may be allow to call the shots of Cody's faction, but I'll say it, I allow the match to go one under one condition.

Jay: That being?

Jack: Both of you have to sign this contract.

Jack then shows Mr.UCS754 and Jay the contract, the latter just takes the contract and signs it before giving it to Jack.

Jay: I'll see Cody's bitch ass in the main event.

As Jay walks off we cut to the ring where Rhyno is in and Claudio Castagnoli is making his entrance.

Excalibur: Well from the looks of things of Cody signs that contract we will have Cody vs Jay in the main event for the JWF Thunder Championship but as you can see right now we a qualifying match for the Hardcore Championship gauntlet match at Final Judgement. And no one who could added than those two men in the ring, Rhyno and Claudio Castagnoli.

Jerry: Well only one of them is going to Final Judgement and we are about to figure out who it is.

Just as Jerry finishes that sentence the bell rings and the match starts with the two locking up. Claudio Castagnoli shows that he has the upper hand by pushing Rhyno to the ropes before kneeing him in the gut and clobbering him in the back. He then whips him into the ropes and hits a shoulder tackle on Rhyno's way back.

Rhyno rolls to the corner in which Claudio set him up in the corner and starts raining down punches. He then attempts to whip Rhyno into the other corner but he counter and sends Claudio into the corner before ramming into him.

After hitting Claudio with a few punches of his own, Rhyno then whips him into the ropes was trying to do a back body drop in Claudio's way back but Claudio doesn't fall for that and just clubs Rhyno in the back. He continues to club and chop Rhyno towards the ropes. This gives Rhyno the opportunity to send Claudio out of the ring as the match spills to the outside.

Once Rhyno gets on the outside Claudio knees him in the gut before ramming his face into the steel steps twice before picking them up himself to tossing them into the ring before getting Rhyno into the ring. Once they are both back in the ring Claudio picks the steps and hit Rhyno with them which sends him out the ring. Claudio responds by trying to throw the steps at them but Rhyno gets out the way before he could get hit as Claudio goes to the outside as well but was met by 3 garbage can lid shot by Rhyno.

Rhyno gets Claudio up and attempts to whip him into the barricade but Claudio reverses and whips Rhyno into the barricade instead. Claudio then kicks Rhyno into the crowd before following him. Rhyno tries to escape through the tunnel under some of the fan on the upper level but Claudio rams him into the wall. This was just to daze Rhyno as Claudio tears one of the metal bars off the steel railing and tries to hit Rhyno with it but Rhyno ducks under it and punches Claudio in the head multiple times but one knee gut from Claudio stops that and the two go through the tunnel and into a section of the arena.

Claudio then tries ramming Rhyno into some nearby production crates but Rhyno fights back with a punch to the gut and ramming Claudio's head into the product crates not only that Rhyno also whips him into the stacked production crates. Rhyno then takes Claudio back through the crowd, over the barricade and in the ring, punching Claudio in the head every few seconds to weaken him. Once they both in the ring, Rhyno lines Claudio up and hits the Gore.

 Once they both in the ring, Rhyno lines Claudio up and hits the Gore

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He then covers Claudio.




(I'll just put Rhyno's music here since he didn't have an entrance lol)

David: Here is your winner, RHYNO!

Rhyno gets the job done as he gets a spot in the SCW Hardcore Championship gauntlet match at Final Judgement with Edge and Jon Moxley. The Devil's Ammunition wrecking ball celebrates as the shows cuts to commercial.

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