Chapter 5

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"Revolution in their minds, the children start to march against the world in which they have to live and all the hate that's in their hearts," Eddie sang softly, swaying back and forth with Lyric in his arms in her brand new bedroom.

Eddie looked down at his daughter, his sweet little baby girl

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Eddie looked down at his daughter, his sweet little baby girl. Her eyes had finally closed, that little cupid bow's mouth, lips so like his own, parted as she took deep breaths in her peaceful slumber. He could place her back in her crib now that he had her sleeping but he didn't want to. When Dani had told him she was pregnant, he'd been terrified but after spending six of the most amazing months of his life with her, he couldn't imagine life without her.

Sure, this hadn't been the plan, like at all, but it was going okay. Dani had found a job at the local bookstore and she loved her boss, Lydia, an older lady who would give Eddie shit but also gave him huge smiles when he popped in and set aside books she thought he'd enjoy. Eddie was working at the record store and yeah, it had been a bit of a learning curve for him. His boss, Jay, had to talk to him on multiple ocassions when customers complained that he tried to get them to buy music other than what they'd come to find. He still didn't understand why he couldn't steer people away from music that sucked and expose them to real music but whatever. Let people listen to garbage if they wanted to.

Maybe it wasn't owning a business, maybe it wasn't going to college, but it was working out and Dani could still go to college in a couple years when they got in a better place financially. They'd finally set enough money aside for a deposit, last month, and first month on a small apartment that was only a ten minute walk from their jobs which were right along Main Street. All of their friends and family had helped them get moved in and settled. Robin and Vickie even came home from college for the weekend to assist. Between Dani's mom, Uncle Wayne, and Dustin, they always had someone who was willing to take Lyric when their schedules overlapped.

Lydia had even been kind enough to let Dani set Lyric up at the bookstore a couple times when no one had been available last month, her sticking the pack and play back behind the register. Dani's mom and Uncle Wayne had been working and Dustin had been off at his nerd camp for a week. He hadn't shut up about it for months, eager to see the love of his life, Suzie, again. Eddie had been relieved when it finally came so he'd stop talking about it but when he got back, it was just weeks of listening to him reminisce about all the romantic nerdy things he and Suzie Poo did.

Steve had even stepped up a couple times to help them out. The guy had a way with kids. When Lyric was two months old, Steve and his girlfriend had come over for dinner. Lyric was unusually fussy and nothing that Eddie or Dani did seemed to calm her. Her diaper had been changed, she'd been fed, she'd been burped, and none of it was working. Steve asked if he could take her and it was like magic. That tiny traitor snuggled down against that hairy chest and instantly calmed as Eddie silently seethed that King Harrington was better with his daughter than he was. Dani had assured him that it was just because Steve had been calm while her and Eddie were agitated and she was probably right. The fact remained that Lyric always seemed more peaceful when she was in Eddie's arms. She was a genuine Daddy's girl and he wouldn't have it any other way.

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