Chapter 25

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"This place is fucking huge!" Eddie exclaimed, looking around the arena wide-eyed. "All the concerts I've been to have been in small bars. This is insane. There must be ten thousand people here."

"Try closer to sixteen thousand." At his disbelieving look, she shrugged. "Hop told me. He came to a Pacer game once and asked one of the employees here," Dani replied, beaming, a smile she hadn't lost since they woke up this morning and she announced it was Bon Jovi day super loud in his ear.

Mary and Hopper had gifted her two Bon Jovi tickets for Christmas and the sound she let out, Eddie didn't even have words for it. It was a sound unlike anything he'd ever heard, a sound he didn't know existed. She'd talked about nothing else since then. It was all Bon Jovi this, Jon that, Richie this, Tico that, David this. Eddie was sick and tired of the hair band before they'd ever stepped foot in the arena but he was swallowing it down because his girl was floating on cloud nine right now. He would not be the one to bring her down.

"Damn, that many people really want to see these guys?" asked Eddie in disbelief.

"Obviously," laughed Dani, elbowing him in the ribs as they waited in line at the merch table. She'd tried to tell him she didn't need anything but there was no way she was walking out of here without at least a shirt to commemorate her first Bon Jovi concert. "You know, just because they don't play your brand of rock music doesn't mean they're not talented Mr. Snobby metalhead. Their latest album has gone double platinum."

"Of course you know that," he snorted with a roll of his eyes. "You know most of the people here are women. Women who are only here because they're all moony over Jon Bon Jovi. Even after he sold out and cut off all his hair."

"He didn't cut it all off," Dani argued, shaking her head. "I mean, it's still longer and he looks so good. The cut suits him."

"Oh yeah? So you want me to cut off my hair?" he challenged, already knowing her answer before she said it.

"Don't you dare!" she shrieked, grabbing his hair with both hands. Leaning up on her tiptoes, she brought her lips to his ear, "Besides, what would I hold onto when I'm riding you?"

A grin flashed over Eddie's face, one eyebrow raising, "Well, then we better keep the hair. Can't have you falling off in the middle of a ride. That would be unfortunate."

"Very," she smiled, kissing him before stepping up to choose her shirt. She chose one that had all the members on it in bright colors, the tour dates on the back. As soon as Eddie paid, she pulled it over her tank top, grinning like a little kid who just opened the one thing they'd been begging for at Christmas. "So, what do you think?"

	"I think I can't wait to get that off of you after the show," he told her, flinging his arm around her shoulder and leading her toward their seats

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"I think I can't wait to get that off of you after the show," he told her, flinging his arm around her shoulder and leading her toward their seats. They were up on the side but down toward the bottom. "Damn. These are pretty good seats. I mean, we're not on the floor but the stage is like, right there."

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