Chapter 14

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"Happy Mommy Day!"

Dani struggled to shake off sleep at the sound of her daughter shrieking. Then a tiny body was leaping on top of her. With an oof, Dani was suddenly wide awake. She opened her eyes, smiling at the tiny girl who was grinning from ear to ear with excitement, her coffee hued eyes lighting up when she saw her mom was up.

"Oh my goodness," Dani replied, wrapping her arms around her daughter and kissing her face over and over until Lyric began struggling to get away from her, yelling, "Mommy stop!" She laughed, rolling to her side, caging her in her arms as she continued to kiss every square inch of that sweet little three year old face.

"Mommy!" Lyric giggled, her little body wiggling in protest. "Mommy, nuf kisses!"

"Never enough kisses," Dani argued, kissing her neck until Lyric was shrieking.

"Uh-oh, are you two having fun without me? You know that's not allowed. I won't stand for it!"

Dani looked up just in time to see Eddie fly up into the air before flopping down on the bed next to them. He wrapped his arms around both of his girls, smothering them both in kisses until they were gasping, a tangle of limbs trying to fight him off in a futile battle as he held them tight. Finally, they all collapsed back on the bed, gulping down air, bellies aching from laughter.

"Well, that was one way to get woken up," Dani sighed, rolling to her side.

Eddie rolled onto his side as well, Lyric between the two of them, "Well, this little ladybug was supposed to wake you up sweetly with a Happy Mother's Day and I was bringing you breakfast in bed." He gestured with his chin to the tv tray that was sitting on their dresser. "But you know, this works too."

"I say Happy Mommy's Day!" Lyric argued. "Mommy did the kisses."

"It's true," Dani confirmed, nodding. "I did the kisses. Lyric did her job. I started all the chaos. I was woken up by a very loud Happy Mommy's Day."

"See? I did my job," Lyric stated proudly.

"Of course you did," Eddie grinned, tickling her tummy. "Are you ready to show Mommy what we made her for breakfast?"


Lyric jumped off the bed, running for the tray. Luckily, Eddie was faster and got to it before the three year old tried to pick it up and disaster struck. He brought it over, setting it over Dani's lap. She looked at her spread: waffles covered in powdered sugar, whipped cream, and strawberries, coffee, and a solitary daisy in a vase.

"This looks amazing," she crooned

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"This looks amazing," she crooned. "Thank you so much."

"I helped!" said Lyric proudly.

"She did." Eddie's eyes went wide as he tilted his head, giving Dani a look that let her know Lyric was more hindrance than help. "Lyric poured the batter and she insisted on putting the powdered sugar on the waffles and now Daddy has a massive mess to clean in the kitchen."

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