Chapter 15

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Eddie could barely contain his excitement waiting for Dani to get home with Lyric. They'd popped over to her mom's for a bit this morning and he'd been working to get his surprise together. Every so often, he made it his goal to come up with something crazy for them to do. Sometimes it was just for him and Dani, sometimes all three of them. Today was for all three of them and he may have recruited some reinforcements for the fun.

With their limited funds, he often had to get creative to keep life exciting for his girls and he lived for it. He loved nothing more than brainstorming ideas of outlandish things for them to do that would always end with those beautiful smiles he was aiming for. Nothing made him happier than seeing his two girls happy.

"Hey, we're..." Dani stopped, eyes wide as she took in the sight of her husband in front of her and then covered her mouth, bursting into laughter. "What in the hell are you wearing?"

Eddie spun, showing off his attire. He wore black tights that he'd stolen from Dani's drawer. They'd been a bit snug. He'd had to really work and tug to get everything tucked in properly. Over that was a pair of purple sweatpants that he'd cut into short shorts. On top was an old white t-shirt that he'd painted a purple slash of lightning across. Finishing it up was one of Lyric's capes, purple to match his shorts, and a purple mask he'd made from some felt out of the craft bin.

(Excuse the bad edit

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(Excuse the bad edit. 😂😂😂 This was the best I could do.)

"I'm Electro Eddie!" he announced loudly, resting his hands on his hips.

"Umm...okay. You do realize it's not Halloween, right?" teased Dani, biting her lip as she continued to laugh, eyes dancing with amusement at his antics. And that, that right there, was why he was more than willing to make a fool of himself.

"This isn't for Halloween. This is serious business. There are dangerous criminals afoot on the streets of Hawkins and we have to stop them. Dastardly Dustin is plotting his takeover of the town as we speak and he has Scarface Steve, Riddle Robin, and Mysterio Mike at his side. Our league of heroes must stop their evil plans and save the town before they turn everyone living here into decaying zombies that are under their control." He held his arms out, slowly walking toward the two of them, his tongue hanging out as he grunted and groaned in his best zombie impersonation.

"You have got to be kidding me," Dani snorted, shaking her head. "Eddie, you don't seriously expect us to run around town looking like that, do you?"

"Oh yes I do! I have your costumes right here," he stated, holding them up. "Will you help me, Ladybug Lyric?" He offered her the red dress that he'd painted black dots all over, along with a red mask, and her little antennae from her toybox.

"Yeah! I help!" she yelled, jumping up. "I stop bad guys! Mommy, you help too?"

"Come on, Devastating Dani," Eddie urged, holding out the outfit he'd made. It was one of her old black bathing suits that he's painted orange stripes across, making her a tiger. Along with it were black tights, an orange mask, and cat ears from Lyric's dress up box.

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