Chapter 20

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"Eddie, can you baste the turkey?" Dani called from the kitchen as she drained the potatoes.

Eddie's head poked around the kitchen entry, "Can I do what now?"

"Baste the turkey," she repeated, tilting her head toward the oven.

" do I do that?" he asked, making his way over to the oven.

"Good grief," Dani sighed. "You see that thing right there with the little bulb on the end?" He nodded, hesitantly picking it up. "You just pull out the roaster, squeeze that bulb to suck up juice, and then squeeze it again to let that juice flow over the turkey."

"If the juice is already in there, why does it matter?"

"Because the juice is only touching the bottom of the turkey and the top of the turkey will dry out," explained Dani. "Nobody wants to eat a super dry turkey."

"That's because, in this house, we like things moist," Eddie grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at her as he followed her instructions.

	"Oh gross

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"Oh know that word gives me the ick."

Eddie slid the turkey back in the oven before slipping up behind Dani, pressing himself against her as she prepared to mash the potatoes. He swept her hair behind her ear, whispering, "You know what else I really like to keep moist?"

Dani shuddered, "If this is your idea of turning me on, it is not working. Stop using that word and seriously, don't you dare use that word to describe any part of my body."

"Not working, huh?" His fingers grazed the skin of her slightly rounded stomach before slipping into the front of her sweats, underneath her panties, spreading her open as they ran along the front of her. "Feels pretty moist to me for not working."

"Eddie..." she stammered, setting down the mixer, both hands grabbing onto the counter for support as his fingers moved over her clit. "I have dinner to make..."

"I know, I know, but we've got time. Your mom's got the kids and no one is showing up for two more hours," he breathed as he took her earlobe between his teeth. "Let's take advantage of the empty house."

"You're terrible," she replied, but she didn't mean it, not really, not when he slid two fingers inside of her, pressing them against all the spongy, delicious places within her.

"Mmm..." he murmured, lips placing featherlight kisses along the side of her neck as he worked his fingers within her, his thumb forming circles around her clit. "It's your fault. If you didn't look so fucking gorgeous when you're pregnant, then this wouldn't happen."

"Yeah...because it...Jesus Christ!" Her knees buckled as jolts of pleasure raced through her body. "It only happens...when I'm...fuck, Eddie...pregnant..."

"My sweet girl, can't even talk," he mused, teeth nibbling along her shoulder. "Maybe you should stop trying so hard, just relax, and let me make you feel good."

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